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  • The Senate was originally formed by the royal family to reconcile many races of Vern.
    Today, the Senate is nothing more than an interest group controlling the commerce of South Vern. It's a Human group now.
    If what I am suspecting turns out to be true, their next step will make the world bathe in blood.
    I already found out their movement through Satra and Haiger. If I fail, the task will be on your shoulders.

    (The rest of the letter is unreadable because it is smeared with blood.)

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  • The Solar Knights used to be one of the Vern's major orders along with the Lunar Knights led by Avele.
    A hundred years ago, when Thar the Knight Commander was killed fighting Necromancer Sigmund, most of the knights perished as well. However, those who survived the incident refused Ealyn's offer and disbanded the order.
    Before they are disbanded, they made an oath on the token of their knight commander.

    "There will be no more Knights of the Sun after today. However,
    if Vern is in danger, we will draw our swords again.
    The oath of the Sun written in blood is never forgotten.
    Shout on last time, for Vern!"

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  • A Demon Stone that was first discovered by the Sylvain who set foot in South Vern in the past.
    When the Sylvain succeeded in condensing ancient demonic powers to suppress the powers of chaos, they used this stone to purify South Vern.
    However, these stones are on a short supply, the Sylvain in the upper echelon use the pendants made out of Solar Stones instead.

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  • Nomads of Yudia travel to the desert looking for Solar Salt.
    However, occasionally, their searches yield unexpected rewards, one of them being the relics of the fallen Encavian Dynasty.
    Ancient patterns of these relics make them very valuable, to the extent that some of them are broken to pieces and sold separately.

    "An ancient kingdom? That's all just crap. None of us have the luxury to consider things like historic value.
    "Look at this. The gold! A relic means at least two months of stuffed bellies if it fetches the right price.
    "What else could a man want?"

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  • The flag of the pirate ship the Black Fox is said to have been made by the prisoners who won their freedom by the help of Captain Blackfang. On the flag they painted her two swords, Freedom and Vengeance, over the image of a black fox and presented it to the captain.
    Blackfang had never received anything from the people she saved, but she accepted this roughly designed flag and hung it high on her ship.

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  • A ring of Lynnis the Peddler.
    It is a symbol of benevolence to Luterran Peddlers.
    During the Chain War, Lynnis traveled all over the world helping those tormented by the struggle.

    "Why do I wear all these rings on my fingers? Because they are the easiest to take off and give to those in need, of course!"

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  • A well-worn note of a Balankar Ranger written in cipher.
    It seems that breaking the code will require a special device.
    032551536 4221554324 991290125121888612
    88129100125 0125555155832535 02178612
    032551412 022141821 001203550355 914415612
    43421801 032551031 031003201912 81552210001612

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  • List of the members of Avesta.
    Next to their names, their current mission status is written.

    [ Artan ] "Mission"
    [ Kaldor ] "Returned"
    [ Toronta ] "Dead"
    [ Bardof ] "Dead"
    [ Kirka ] "Dead"
    [ Tacan ] "Dead"
    [ Zechia ] "Dead"
    [ Krip ] "Dead"
    [ Geppetto ] "Missing"
    [ ] "Missing"

    The name of someone who is missing has been erased.

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  • Nia (The memory contained within the stone flashes before my eyes as I pick up the inscribed stone.)

    The little girl stepped onto the land filled the coarse breathing of the injured being. The serene forest filled up with the quiet melody and Albion's wounds from the war began to be healed. The girl's earnest song was inscribed on the surrounding plants and trees and stones.
    - I wish... you would get better...

    (It looks like this is it of the memory of someone that came into my mind.)

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  • Guardian Rakathus roared an earthshattering war cry and followed Vairgrys's command to set upon the Demons. Suddenly, however, a Demon in pitch-black armor appeared before him. Rakathus brandished his claw to send the haughty Demon back where it belonged, but the Demon's greatsword tore into the Guardian's flesh and spilled his blood across the snow-covered field of Shushire.
    Rakathus realized the Demon was too mighty an opponent: Thaemine, the Darkness Legion Commander.
    Devastated by the Demon's unpredictable power, Rakathus spread his wings to fly away in defiance of Vairgrys. Then, suddenly, a black spear split the air. Rakathus fell to the ground, letting out a horrible shriek of pain as his body landed with a resounding impact. The spear, forged from pure chaos, pierced the thick ice beneath the Guardian's body, plunging him into the waters beneath.
    If ever Rakathus reawakens, he may emerge as something different from the Guardian he once was...

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  • According to an old story, it is said that an ancient race called the Haals used the power of the hourglass to distort the dimension and created their own world. Though the Haals have disappeared, to this day, the hourglasses they used can still be found all over the world. Perhaps the Haals did not disappear, but became their own gods in a new world.

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  • When I opened my eyes, I was standing in front of a giant flower glowing red.
    Overwhelmed by its aura, I just wanted to run back to the village. However, I could hear a baby crying somewhere nearby. It was coming from the center of the giant flower.
    When I reached out my hand, the flower, strangely enough, started to open up its petals one by one. After the flower was wide open, the baby revealed itself. The baby, maybe a hundred days old, kept crying until its face became red. Picking up the baby, I noticed something even stranger. The dark energy permeating Prisma Valley was diminishing, as if it were intimidated by the baby's crying.
    The baby was the one we had been waiting for.
    I ran back to my family and shouted to everyone
    that I brought the heaven-sent heir to the Yeon Family.
    -Pahan's Diary

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  • A Cashew Tree is said to have grown in the city of the giants who ate the nuts to morph their body size to their liking. Cashew Nuts are very rare, and because of this they are sometimes used as currency in Tortoyk.

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  • When Archbishop Gustaven, the legend of the Holy Sacrian Empire, was still a priest, he encountered the giant snake Aguilok, the Calamity of Rethramis.
    After a battle that lasted the whole night, Aguilok fell, and so did Gustaven, exhausted after striking a mighty blow to the snake's belly with his rod.
    When the soldiers came to the scene, however, Aguilok had disappeared.
    All that was left was a bloodstained rod protruding from the earth.

    "Do not show yourself again in Rethramis, you foul creature!
    Remember this rod! I will be here to face you again when you return!"
    - Archbishop Gustaven

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  • A richly decorated silver pocket watch.
    A burning sun and a crescent moon near the dawn are engraved on it.
    Its hour and minute hands stopped at the moment when the magick core of Xeneela exploded.

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  • It was when the Chain War broke out that the Ark of Arrogance started to move again.
    During this time, most Umars of Yorn did not come out of their underground fortress
    except for those who decided to fight in the war.

    However, during the Chain War, a legendary blacksmith named Galatur learned that there was a dimensional rift in existence.
    Despite strong opposition, he raised his hammer, the Fjorgin.

    The legendary weapon Fjorgin
    that was created with the Primal Fire
    finally started moving to create Sidereal's weapons!

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  • A saucer of which decorative edge is slightly chipped away.
    As South Vern, where the climate is warm and the soil is rich, is famous for its tea with sweet aroma and the people in the region drink tea more often than they drink water.
    The nobilities of Vern, most of them hate to grab hot objects, use a saucer with the handle-less tea cup to cool the tea a bit before drinking.

    "I can't burn my noble hand while drinking hot tea. I would rather let it cool down on a saucer before drinking. It is the noble way of drinking tea here."
    - Nobleman Del Loche

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  • There is a story in Yudia that has been passed down for generations.
    Somewhere in the vast land of Yudia, there exists something called a Salttree, which guides people who get lost in the desert.
    Those who see the tree are safely led by Fairies to a place where they could be helped by other people.
    The tree turns into a pile of salt the moment it is seen by the lost, leaving a small fruit behind.
    Perhaps the fruit is the heart of the desert, wanting good people to find their way to safety.

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  • A peculiar thing happens in Aregal Salt Plains after a rain.
    When the clear reflection of the sky fills the puddles of rainwater, bluish substances are found floating in the air, followed by the appearance of a giant made of salt.
    An adventurer named Levatanos went out on multiple expeditions to investigate this.
    After he witnessed a scene during an expedition, however, he left Yudia stricken with horror.

    "A blue, blue core... was sucking in the salt to produce Demons! We have to get far, far away!"
    - Levatanos, rushing out of Yudia

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  • A book detailing the lives and achievements of the thirty one knights who contributed to the founding of Luterra.
    The witty and insightful style of Theodora, a renowned historian and writer, made the book a continent-wide best seller. The eight knights described in Chapter 1 are some of the most beloved heroes in Luterra history, their images even appearing on the Knight's Path that passes through Luterra Castle.
    All eight of them are a guiding star to modern day knights, but among them, Zachs the Ruffian enjoys the greatest popularity. Zachs's statue stares at the palace with his hat pulled down low, while the other knights raise their weapons high.
    From his life as a notorious outlaw all the way to his prime in service of King Luterra as his shadow, Zachs was a tough guy, and his fans love him for it. In all the books in Termia Library, the pages that told Zachs's story were always torn and missing. The book is out of print and is very hard to get.

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  • A blood-stained dagger, the same kind that's been commonly found in Luterra recently.
    It was repeatedly observed in the hands of the high priests of the Heretics prevailing in East Luterra.
    When the devil-worshipping cult first appeared, Luterra sent out the knights and brought in all of its followers. According to the record, most of them had been indoctrinated by something, and they were able to get back to their old selves after some time in the solitary cell.
    The Heretics were not found for more than fifty years until they appeared again after the regent started ruling Luterra. As uncertainty and anxiety filled people's hearts, the preaching of the cult that denies living a full life spread like a wildfire under royal connivance.
    Engraved on the blade are letters of the Demon language, which is unfamiliar to the races in the mortal world.

    "The madness is asleep inside you for eternity."

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  • People of Luterra still talk of Queen Lowenna, the Steel Lady.
    She always fought at the front lines in battles and left countless legendary episodes.
    A boy was worried about his wild sister and gave her a wooden figurine of Queen Lowenna for her birthday. His message to her through the figurine was that she should admire a warrior's life from afar, but his sister got a different message.
    There's some sloppy handwriting at the bottom of the marionette.

    "War is the best prenatal education."

    "Riwella will be a great knight just like the queen."

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  • A hero that brought an end to the Chain War.
    The founding king of Luterra, the country of knights.
    There are more records about King Luterra than one can count, but the most famous one is a saga that tells his scintillating heroic episodes.
    Still transcribed by numerous writers, the book is held in high esteem for its literary value and outstanding, descriptive style.

    "The Invisible Dragon was truly powerful. Neither a god nor a Demon could defeat it. However, when Vanquisher, the beloved sword of the king, slashed the air, RWAAAAARR! The dragon died with a roar that shook mountains and rivers."
    -from Invisible Dragon, page 324, The Legend of King Luterra

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  • A warning poster issued by the Vern Monarchy to the residents of Vern North.
    It aims to rid Vern of Goblins, Trolls, and all of the other alien races.
    The warning seems inconsistent with the queen's previous ethnic reconciliation policy.
    "Begging for mercy should not deter our progress in ridding our lands of aliens, for aliens do not deserve such compassion."

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  • A journal of an adventurer who just arrived at North Vern.
    The well-thumbed pages are filled with tiny writing.
    "We headed to the port right after we heard there is Arkesium in Vern. We had never laid a foot on the land of Vern, but we are more excited than nervous, thinking about how Arkesium will make us all rich. Trane is snoring next to me drunk. Tomorrow is the day we start our journey for Arkesium, through North Vern and to the west. I heard there are monsters here that we've never even heard of, but we will get through. I believe so."
    The pages in the end are smeared with blood, which makes them impossible to read.

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  • Blood from torn flesh and bones of a corrupted Delain.

    Once a Delain becomes corrupted, the Chaos Piece within their body begins raging. In no time, their consciousness is erased, and the Chaos Piece rips through their flesh and bones to come outside. Delains who gave in to the power of Demons and became corrupted have thirsted after living creatures, a thirst that can never be quenched. The once-rational creatures are ruled by a hideous instinct.
    Remember... that restraint and training is the only way to not fall for the seduction of sweet blood.

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  • A stone that was pecked by hungry crows.

    There are holes all over, like stones found near the lava. Delains believe that nice-looking stones will bring them good luck.

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  • A handicraft created by the Nias who have great craftmanship. Made out of feathers from the holy bird pikopoko. It is said that leaving it by your bedside will help you have good dreams.

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  • The god of fire, Antares, gave the power of fire to the race he created, the Haals. One of those was the power to get near the memory of the past and elapsed time through the fire of Antares. However, the past cannot be changed, and one can only stay in the past while the fire is still burning.

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  • An old, worn-out bladed weapon provided to the fighters of the Arena.
    It is dull and poorly forged, making it hard for its wielder to even scuff a foe's armor.
    However, occasionally there were fighters who proved their might regardless of what they had in their hands. Madnick, the leader of the Daybreakers carrying out the Prisoner Emancipation Movement in Shushire, was one example.
    Imprisoned after losing his entire family, he was thrown in front of a giant wolf with scores of other prisoners. The wolf, Frost Claw, was a fierce beast that had killed and fed on hundreds of prisoners.
    The audience in the arena joyfully watched as the wolf's teeth tore into a prisoner, expecting blood and guts to spill.
    However, betraying their sick expectations, an old, chipped blade plunged through the beast's jaw.
    As the arena fell to complete silence, Madnick threw the carcass of Frost Claw to the side. That was the day that he became the hero of the arena and the light of hope to other prisoners.

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  • The list of people who accepted bribes from Vrad.
    The names go on for pages.

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  • Turn the crimson desert into the green land of life!
    The capabilities of the Verdantier, the tower of regeneration, are as listed below.
    [Expected Effects of the Verdantier]
    1. The Verdantier regenerates forests and grasslands in barren desert lands.
    2. The Verdantier can supply water to anywhere in the region without the need for multiple purification.
    3. The Verdantier can drastically reduce the gritty dust in Arthetine's air as it can control the direction of the wind.
    Please look forward to witnessing the birth of the greatest paradise in the world created by the Verdantier, the second miracle of the desert.

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  • All experiments concerning Y-48 have failed, but we all agree that there is an undeniable need for a machine that could replace Human labor. Thus, we, the scientists of Nebelhorn, decided to take a detour and came up with an alternative, the Heavy Walker. Once we build this Heavy Walker, controllable from both inside and out, it will be able to replace Human labor more efficiently than any other machine we've created. Recently, we successfully downsized the engine used in Blitz, which will be the cornerstone of Heavy Walker production.
    One thing we are concerned about is the AI control, but it can easily be taken care of by giving all AI-related authorities to Krause the Technologist. We therefore request quick approval by the Parliament regarding this matter.

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  • Not all Demons returned to where they belong when the Chaos Gate closed after the Chain War. The ones that could not escape to Petrania followed their instincts to Anikka, where the smell of blood filled the land. The foul energy cast over Anikka and the blood flowing on the lands changed the Demons, making them completely different from what they used to be.
    The masks resemble the mutated Demons, but no one knows what they are made of. The faces of the masks are all different, but every single one of them has a twisted expression.

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  • A charm that Scrollmaidens and other ascetics used to keep Prisma Valley sealed. Inscribed with complex arcane letters, the charms have been cast upon one another, stacked in multiple layers. It is known that the charms have energy that cast out evil spirits and protect people from great and minor harm. The charm sustaining the seal of the valley might be keeping something away from the world to prevent it from bringing catastrophe to the people.

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  • (As I grasp the glyphed stone, the fuzzy images of its past come into sight.)
    - My days are numbered. Your wish will be the last resolution I am leaving in this world.
    After a thundering crash, the giant fell to the ground and shut its eyes and lips. When the giant drew its last breath, a girl who was standing beside it began to carve ancient letters on a nearby rock. She was inscribing the names of Zera and the other Guardians, followed by the successor's name at the bottom. When the girl blew her breath into the rock, the Guardians started to awaken, one after another. Her small lips began to move.
    - His name is Tortoyk... and mine... Help... and protect... That is the only way to save the world...
    (It seems this is all that's left of someone else's memory that came into my head.)

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  • A scale that grows on the bodies of Red Mist Pirates. The Red Mist Pirates were Humans before they made a contract with the devil and became half Human, half fish. What came in return for their avid desire for immortality was the reeking fishy smell, a torment that most would choose to die than to live suffering. Now they are destined to wander the sea eternally. Their only solace is making other Red Mist Pirates suffer from their stench.

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  • "Why do you think the guards and the priests from the capital are staying here in the border area? You may have heard about it, too. The giant, cunning snake, the Calamity of Rethramis! I'm talking about Aguiloss. Hundreds of people had been devoured by this snake before Archbishop Gustaven cast it out of its nest. It was not until it disappeared that we could finally start trading with Luterra through Yudia. The risk hasn't been completely eliminated, however. People still find the cast-off skin of Aguiloss here and there. What you have in your hand is one of them. So, how much do you want for it?"

    - Edma the Wandering Merchant

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  • The ancient sacred beasts wandering around Loghill were supposedly created by the gods, who had great interest in the mortal world. They spent ages designing creatures that looked similar to the ones made by nature, becoming more adept at it every day. This skill greatly contributed to the creation of mankind.

    It is believed that most of the sacred beasts were driven to extinction during the Chain War, until a band of grave robbers in Rethramis brought some of them back from the past, using a relic called the Portal Stone. Their plan was to summon beasts like Croclaw or Ludus in order to control them, but unfortunately the Portal Stone ended up summoning Pokan the Tyrant. After this, the stone lost its power and became an ordinary rock.

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  • A talisman that has a protection spell cast upon it.
    On the surface of a clear crystal, there is the emblem of the Archmage Enviska of Rohendel engraved on it.
    Long ago, Enviska sacrificed herself while struggling to seal the altar and bring the rampaging magick energy under control.
    They say that it was then that these crystals began growing from where her tears soaked the ground.
    Sylvains always carry these talismans with them, hoping that her grace will protect them from harm.

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  • A ring of Azure Knight Adrinne, one of the three knight commanders that protected Rohendel.
    The gem on the ring has a cold, blue glow just like her eyes.
    The line from an old song is engraved inside the band in the ancient Sylvain language.
    "My comrade, we are bound by soul."

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  • The legendary drinker Urr is said to have been able to drink the whole liquor reserve of three breweries in just two days.
    Soon enough, Urr became a huge problem for liquor distribution in Yorn, and the Yorn Council suggested he emigrate to another country.
    It was lucky for Yorn that Luterra was in need of a skillful blacksmith, and Urr found out that he liked the liquor brewed in the country.
    Urr moved out of Yorn, and the brewers in Yorn could finally start to age their liquor. A comment by a brewery manager:
    "It's all because of that Urr that we don't have a famous liquor here in Yorn!
    "They even made a law that prohibits us from drinking more than three kegs of liquor! Sigh... Maybe I should move to another country, too..."

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  • For the Umars, their beard is their life. Occasionally, when the Umars think their beard is not luxurious enough or lose their beard in an unexpected accident,
    they will purchase and wear a fake beard made of horse hair.
    The prideful Umars would not dare to openly purchase fake beards, so it is said that they are usually bought and sold in dark alleys.
    The beard merchant will emphasize that even his own beard is half fake.
    "Actually, almost half of all Umars from Yorn are suffering from beard loss."
    "What I'm selling is not just some fake beards made from horse hair, but the confidence that will allow you to hold your head high!"

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  • The potion Delegate Satra brought from somewhere.
    Those who join the ranks of the Black Knights drink this potion and gain incredible strength.
    However, the reason why the imbiber's body slowly changes into the shape of a beast and the reason why the imbiber gains sharp senses but becomes dumb are known only to the manufacturers of the potion.

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  • Ramella, a covetous queen of Encavian dynasty, ordered her men to bring a mirror that would reflect her beauty.
    A shaman came to the capital city of Morai.
    The mirror he had was finished with glittering ornaments, creating mystical ambiance.
    Weirdly enough, the mirror was covered by a small piece of fabric.
    "The mirror is for the queen. It's not for others to see."
    When the queen took off the fabric, she nearly fainted.
    Locks of her hair started falling down to the floor, her skin wrinkling like that of an old woman in her deathbed.
    The king, furious at his queen's tragedy, tried to punish the shaman, but he had already disappeared with an eerie laughter.

    "Beauty is not something that lasts."
    "Why do you need a mirror when you can't see yourself in the truest sense? Hahahaha!"
    -Shaman of Darkness, Riphale-

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  • A note exuding grim air.
    There are drops of blood stains on the crumbled paper.

    "Does a Demon have a soul?
    "The one that I met in Sapira Cave... It wanted to know about the Soul Transference of Rohendel. Did it think that the Encavian spells I studied could bring him closer to such power?
    "The Demon named Kharmine. It was different from the others of its kind. The power to absorb other Demons.
    "He needs to be stopped. Something isn't right. How can such a thing exist?
    "Heaven have mercy on Yudia."

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  • The old sheet music has two lines of notes and partly smeared lyrics.
    "An old story that dates back to many moons ago still haunts my longing heart."

    Back before the river that runs through Luterra was named Luoden, its water was tainted by the Demon invaders, killing many Puruus who coexisted with the river. In order to bring them back to life, Water Elementals threw themselves into the river to purify the water and perished. After a lapse of time, Azenaporium, Nahun's purification device infused with magical power, gave the nature back to Puruus and Water Elementals. Water Elementals form pure substances called Bubble Nuclei in their habitat, and these permeated the land of Luterra, enriching its soil. This is why Luterra yields a rich harvest of Dyorika, a very rare crop, as well as pumpkins and fruits.

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  • There are times that some of the deceased cannot let go of their wrongful deaths and reveal themselves to the world. According to Alokia, a renowned Soulbinder of Rethramis, the deeper the resentment, the greater the denial becomes, driving the tenacious souls to seek bodies that seem alive.
    The souls of the people that died recently under Regent Scherrit's tyranny and war show such a tendency.
    Just like a poor Wili-Wili that crawled into a pumpkin seeking vengeance.

    A living person is not an acceptable form of payment for passing on to the world of the dead.

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  • A rusty pendant.
    The peculiar wedge-like pattern might be the crest of a family.
    The blood-stained, dented pendant opens reluctantly, revealing a short sentence engraved inside.

    "I love you, Dahlia, even beyond life and death. Cassleford."

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  • Redhand Mercenaries are notorious for doing anything for Gold, and the amount of blood on their hands attests to their ferocity.
    Indeed, their hands were always soaked in blood, and eventually, their crimson gloves became their symbol.

    "Don't you think those bastards made the gloves out of Human skin? Spooky, isn't it? How do I know this? Don't ask. You'll be dead before you know it."

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  • A message left by the Orc Elder Zealock for the races in North Vern.
    Letters are inscribed on the parchment with a sharp blade.
    "It is not over yet. The sly, cowardly fools of Vern would think that we had surrendered, but I am not like Bahelum and his followers!
    "We, the Orcs, will show the stupid queen who really deserves to rule this continent. Join us! If the plan works out, we wont have to lurk around anymore!"

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  • A record of Vairgrys, a Guardian who was in deep sleep in North Vern during the Chain War.
    The shaky handwriting reads,
    "I then saw the horizon firing up. At first I tried to run away as quickly as possible, thinking the disastrous Chain War was about to break out all over again. But soon, all I could do was stand in awe of the giant shadow in the sky. The thing slowly landed on the field and raised its head, gleaming with otherworldly luster. Soft, bluish rays of light were dancing in the air, as if blessing its arrival in the world. The Guardian named Vairgrys then started to disappear into the air. What I witnessed, it felt like a dream, one that I can never hope to have again."

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  • A mark of belonging to the Avesta.

    Five hundred years ago, after the Chain War, those who inherited the blood of both Demons and Humans were born. The Holy Sacrian Empire designated them as Demons, and killed them indiscriminately. The earth was filled with the screams and blood of the Delains, but the Delains never unlocked the power of Demons. At the end of the horrible massacre, death was all that remained. The surviving Delains took care of the piles of Chaos Pieces. The leader, Zaika, tore off a piece of his blood-soaked clothes and tied it on his arm. To not forget the sacrifice of his comrades. He cried out, and all the Delains followed suit.

    "We have red blood running through us... we are Human!"

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  • "We are born with a blade that is named restraint."

    A lesson learned from a sage 500 years ago became a law for the Avesta. The Memoirs of Avesta teach the restraint needed for survival.

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  • A wish lantern used in Punika Festival. It is said that lighting it up and floating it from Inath Cliff will make your wish come true. Sometimes, there's a gust of wind, so you have to raise your arms and shout like this.

    "Inath, Inath... generous lady, please relent. I remember your sadness."

    It is said that then, the wind will die down miraculously.

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  • A conch shell containing starlight by being buried in the starsand. It is said it loses its light outside Punika.

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  • A portrait of Vrad is exquisitely engraved on the fist-sized surface. Whoever worked on this must have taken great care to express every little detail, down to a curly strand of nostril hair. Despite the fact that it is one fine piece of art, its model is the reason why it earns little respect. A work of art is supposed to bring us beauty and novelty, not the face of a hideous prison broker! It is heartbreaking to say it, but this thing has to be destroyed.
    Gold Coin of Vrad (Rating: ★☆☆☆☆)
    -Georges, art critic of Pleccia

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  • A cocoon found in the habitat of Frost Spiders.
    Since it can be processed into high-grade glittering threads, it is usually sold to rich merchants.
    "The severe winter of Shushire has produced creatures that one cannot find anywhere else. The glowing Frost Spiders are one of them. Even their cocoons make fine replacement for torches. Why don't I collect a bunch and make a business out of them? You don't know what you're talking about. Most people who leave to collect these don't come back at all. Rumor says that they ended up on the dinner plate of the Spider Queen."

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  • A newspaper published by Hoyte News, a newspaper company located in Stern.
    The provocative titles catch the eyes of its readers.
    「WEEKLY SPECIAL! The construction of the Verdantier started when Lord Kain and Sasha decided to go separate ways!」
    「DAILY BREAKING NEWS! Totrich Black Market's illegal body augmentation brokers arrested!」
    「NEWS FOCUS! Smoke rises from Nebelhorn: What happened that night?」

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  • A book that contains the teachings of Sceptrum, a god worshipped by the Cykins of Arthetine for ages. Following the creed that encourages the desire to seek knowledge and wisdom, the Cykins started looking for a way to substitute their body parts with mechanical alternatives, gradually evolving into a new species whose blood was blue. As time went by, Cykins took the concept of right and wrong to be nothing but categorized results of analyses on social situations, and their holy book is just the evidential basis for their theory.
    Maybe they were thinking they could get closer to their god if they called the collection of their research papers a "Holy Book."

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  • A book written by an ascetic who participated in the sealing of Bleak Edge, hundreds of years ago.
    The book thoroughly describes the Demonic Portal and the fiends from hell.
    "If it had not been for the leaders of Yeon and Jeok, we most likely would have failed. When every single one of us sank into despair in the face of the Hellspawn's power, they stood up and fought fearlessly. When they managed to rip the eye and heart out of the Demon, my heart was filled with renewed admiration for the wonder and the glory of Anikka's martial arts. I was reassured that, with our combined might, we would be able to defeat any enemy, no matter how powerful it may be. It was as if Sien, the hero who saved this continent, had returned..."

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  • The full collection of Anikka's gourmet dishes!
    The most amazing dishes that you won't find in Rethramis, Luterra, or Vern!
    Reading this book just once will turn you into an Anikka cook!
    "...The traditional wine of Anikka is beyond description, to be frank. Unlike Luterran beer, which is known for its wild flavor and fruity smell, it is quite soft on the throat, with a very delicate aroma that lingers in the mouth... It makes the perfect liquor of choice to drink during a meal. What about the thing called 'dumplings' they have in Changhun? The wonder of vegetable and meat packed into that thin dough skin! You cannot help but scream with joy every time the juice pops out of it as you chew. Anikka, in short, is every food lover's paradise."
    - Excerpt from the cooking legend Amalone's recommendatory comment

    Right-click to add to the Adventurer's Tome.

    Ed the Red, Captain of Red Mist Pirates
    Accusations: Robbery, murder, kidnapping, Human trafficking
    Reward: 5,000,000

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  • And so the city of giants, created by the God of Earth, sunk to the bottom of the ocean during the colossal war that started from the Hollow War and spread to all of Arkesia. The few giants that survived went into a long, deep sleep with their feet on the ocean floor, to preserve their diminishing power.

    Unlike those that died with the city, Tortoyk, a giant who inherited the power to create living beings, started to produce new creatures. Eventually, its very own body became the home of its creatures. The newly created island on the sea still placidly sits in the middle of the sea with its origin unknown.

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  • "Chew, [munch, munch] and swallow! Humans, [munch, munch] stupid! Humans, no fire, meat, no eat! Humans, pointy things, stab, other Humans! Bolt, greater, Humans!"

    -the inaugural speech of the 19th Grangor
    (translated by Priest Samantha who claims to speak Bolt language.
    Detailed correction was unavailable as a Bolt smacked her skull with an axe when she tried to give a warmhearted morning greeting.)

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  • The Book of Light is a must-read for students of theology who seek to become priests.
    It depicts the righteous image of Regulus, the God of Light, and praises his divine effort to lead the world to order against Zosma, the God of Chaos.
    In Prideholme and many other cities of Rethramis, the study of priesthood usually starts after the disciple finishes reading the Book of Light.

    "Seek not to be the Light itself, but be the mirror that guides the Light of Regulus to its righteous place, shedding light to all who are in need."
    -excerpt from the preface of Book of Light

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  • A note from Samuel, a prophet who failed to have any souls handed down to her.
    Though portions of the cover is burnt, the inside is relatively well preserved.
    In the preface, Samuel describes a nightly recurring dream.
    "A horned Demon will appear and set Xeneela on fire."
    She tried to warn people about Xeneela's future, but no one believed her.
    On the last page, there was a single line scrawled hysterically over and over again.
    "See, I told you so... In the end, you will face catastrophe!"
    No one has seen prophet Samuel since the day Xeneela was reduced to ashes.

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  • A branch of the Divine Tree, Elzowin, also known as the World Tree.
    At the beginning of time, Elzowin did all it could to absorb the overflowing magick in Rohendel,
    but the time came when the excessive energy started to cause the land to collapse. It was then that Elzowin bestowed its energy upon the people living in Rohendel to protect it from collapsing.

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  • A love letter written by Valaire, a poet and an old fan of Umar Neria.

    - Your lips are like a pair of freshly cooked sausages,
    - and your reddish cheeks are like those of a heavy drinker.
    - Your body resembles the shape of one of those beer kegs piled up in storages,
    - and when you sing, you sound like a running mine car with a broken set of blinkers.
    - You are not obtainable, neither by him nor me,
    - for no one could claim ownership for a star that struck Yorn.
    - And so, all that we could do is scream, "Please smile at us, Neria!"

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  • A pair of boots that smells like a dirty trashcan full of rotten cheese.
    If you take a whiff, you can tell the smell does not come entirely from foot odor, but also from liquor that was drunk out of it.
    Umars take pride in their tradition where they drink liquor out of their boots soaked in sweat after hours of labor,
    and anyone who's willing to drink from their boots can easily be their friend.

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  • A woodblock that is said to draw the spirits of the dead. It is given by the Senate to soothe the mournful people who lost their beloved. Many people in South Vern who are regretful for not saying what they had in mind to the deceased use this woodblock as they believe that it would allow them to communicate with them. However, they don't know whether the spirit they summon with the woodblock is that of the beloved or a Demon. Users are advised to keep these rules to avoid being eaten alive by spirits.

    1. Do not perform the ritual alone.
    2. Do not perform the ritual more than 15 minutes.
    3. Do not ask about the future to the spirit.
    4. Do not end the ritual without the consent of the spirit. If the spirit doesn't want to end the ritual, persuade it until they give you the consent. Never end the ritual on your own accord.

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  • [Looking for young people with vision]
    The rare chance to work at the Vern academy!

    - Those who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the glory of Vern.
    - Those who are healthy and can live in a dorm.
    - Those who can keep the secrets of the organization.

    The workplace and colleagues will make you feel at home.

    (The torn wallpaper reads 'Get away from them' in red paint.

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  • A bandit's journal. Looks like it was thrown away a long time ago.

    "We are the proud descendants of the Encavians. The vast land and the ravishing sunset of the Aregal Plains are all gifts from the gods.
    "Men were blinded by gold and allowed this sacred place to fester with greed."
    "I will save all of it.
    "The sacred salt, the legendary Morai Ruins, and this beautiful desert.
    "We will have it known, to both the fools who sold this land and the ones who paid, that this land belongs to us."

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  • Luterra's scholars studied the salt of Yudia from various aspects, but they couldn't come to a definite conclusion.
    The one thing they know for sure is that there is a special kind of salt in Yudia that has a magical power.
    Ever since Vern and various other countries started using Solar Salt in their magick studies and experiments, foreign visitors have been pouring into Yudia.

    "I can't be sure, but this salt seems like it was infused with power from outside this world.
    "Do I sound crazy? Solar Salt must be related to the spells of the ancient shamans in Yudia.
    "The salt desert that emerged out of the blue five hundred years ago... as well as the legend of the lost kingdom.
    "Doesn't it excite you, the idea of an unknown world somewhere out there?"

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  • A countless number of enthusiastic minds came to lay a firm foundation of Luterra since it was founded, but there was an unparalleled genius with capabilities that surpassed those of all his predecessors combined.
    Nahun was a commoner who didn't even have a family name, but he stood out as an inventor and became a nobleman at the age of 14.
    He was an exceptional architect, inventor and an adept mage after he became good friends with the Sylvains in his midlife. After the kingdom was stabilized, Nahun designed seven edifices each named after a Sidereal, and among them were Azenaporium, a shocking realization of balance between physics and magick, and Sien Inn, a frequently visited gathering place.
    During the construction of Kadan Cathedral, King Luterra passed away. For that, unfortunately, the architecture with the name Luterra became a tomb. Nahun devoted himself to hiding the tomb so that nobody could desecrate it. When a rumor spread that Nahun had in his safe a clue to find the way to the King's Tomb, he made numerous fake keys and scattered them all over Luterra.

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  • A ring engraved with the image of an eagle, the symbol of the Luterra monarchy.
    The king of Luterra bestows the ring to a knight on his conferment of knighthood.
    The ring originated from the one worn by the first king Sidereal Luterra. The original, however, has not been passed down in the royal family. According to the legend, the king gave it to his beloved whom he protected with his life.
    The story has affected the knights of later generations, and it became their custom to present the ring to their beloved partner. However, as often as the ring has been offered to a worthy lady by a knight in love on one knee, many have been taken as trophies by the enemies that threaten the peace of Luterra as proof of their victory against Luterra's finest knights.

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  • A notebook that has been around for many years.
    The wrinkled pages are dotted with dark stains.
    Along with the centurion's mark, the cover is filled with the names of the soldiers he led.

    "Has Luterra changed completely? Justice and courage has collapsed before avarice. If it is my reality to wield a sword against people who've shared the same values..."
    "Sir Cadogan called me a has-been. He is right. However... The voice that fills my heart has not aged at all. It is what people call justice."
    - Lloyd

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  • His life threatened by Regent Scherrit, Prince Thirain disappeared from Luterra Castle with Vanquisher, the sacred symbol of kingship.
    Scherrit sent out his men to track Thirain down and put out wanted posters all over Luterra.
    "Whoever arrests Prince Thirain or provides his whereabouts will be rewarded with a cartload of gold."

    -Regent Scherrit of Luterra

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  • A diary of Amalone, the ever-wandering legendary cook.
    -Crap. I've failed again. What was the problem this time?
    The way they grow so incensed over the food, you'd think those damn aristocrats believe that eating anything new was dangerous for them or something. How does a cook make good food without failing a couple of times and putting out weird-tasting food every once in a while? Might as well write down the grilled fish recipe for the record, though.
    [Rohendel-Style Butter-grilled Fish]
    -2 slabs of filleted fish (salted and peppered)
    -Half a stick of butter
    -Half an onion (or a whole one depending on your preference. This damn nobleman says he doesn't fancy onions.)
    -2 bay leaves
    -1 cup of Zagoras mineral water
    -Some white wine (I'll finish the bottle, anyway.)
    -3 petals of Magick Flower from Rohendel
    -It was Rohendel, I think. Maybe it was a mistake putting in the mashed Magick Flower petals. It tasted pretty sweet when I tried it raw, so I figured I'd use it instead of sugar... How was I supposed to know that's what they use to make Polymorph Potions?
    -Everyone got furious when the nobleman turned into a frog all of a sudden. It was a hassle, getting away from those overdressed soldiers of his. Little did they know, I even managed to escape Rohendel! The secret exit I dug out beforehand came in handy. It's too bad that my robe got all dirty, though.

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  • A broken armor piece from a Queen's Knight who fought to stop the Necromancer Sigmund a hundred years ago. Although time has worn it out, the armor piece still has a faint silver gleam.
    "They never backed down, even in the face of the ferocious beast Garum. As Knight Commander Thar led the way, all of the Queen's Knights charged towards Garum, letting out thundering shouts. Knowing that their retreat meant catastrophe in North Vern, they fought with great courage, fearless of death."

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  • After the Chain War, Feiton became a land of poison and curses. The Delains extracted poison to use with their weapons, and tried to survive on this land by using them.

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  • When the Delains appeared, over 500 years ago, Sacria designated them as Demons. They wanted to watch over the Delains even after they hid in the abandoned land of Feiton through the Kalazis Accords.

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  • [Punika Specialty Catalog]
    Natural Dye: Dye extracted from Tikatika, harmless to the skin. Known for its beautiful color.
    Sulfur Soap: Soap made from the sulfur of the hot springs. Use it to keep your skin healthy and bright. The soap made in Punika is so good that it is being exported to other continents as well.
    Boiled Eggs: Eggs boiled with water from the hot springs. Bouncy on the outside and moist on the inside. Popular nutritious snack for all ages.

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  • A mask worn by the Moguro who live by the Starsand Beach. The Moguros call it Moguroguroguro. It looks cute, but wearing it will bring about the rotten fish smell. In Punika, there's a saying about this.

    - "A horse wearing a Moguro mask can go a long distance." (Meaning, horses that faint from the smell can go a long distance)
    - "Pay your debt with the smell of Moguros." (Meaning, a bad situation could turn out to be good)
    - "It's Moguro day." (Meaning, a situation turned out to be unexpectedly the worst.)
    - "As if looking at a Moguro across the river." (Meaning, being indifferent to a situation)
    - "Fields have eyes, Moguros have ears." (Meaning, watch your mouth)

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  • As prison brokering became rampant in Shushire, corruption began to grow from the inside. The government lost its reigning power to rich prison brokers, and the starving people started to sell themselves for breadcrumbs.
    In this time of desperation, Madnick, the hero of the Arena, stepped up to represent the people of Shushire and led the Prisoner Emancipation Movement. His followers called themselves Daybreakers, and devoted themselves to bringing daylight to the fierce winter of Shushire.
    "We are all equal. We all have the freedom to raise our voices and to live on as free men and women. The Daybreakers have risen for the sake of the persecuted in Shushire. Do not turn away from life. Wherever you are, we will bring you a new dawn."

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  • A mysterious butterfly known to be found only in the quietest, steepest cliffs in Shushire.
    It is said they have a beautiful twinkling glow,
    but when you step closer to get a better look, they melt away and vanish like a mirage.

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  • A wind-up doll made by Mari, one of Krause's Royal Guards. It looks like a little girl.
    Wound up, it dances a short waltz using its mechanical joints. The name of the doll is stitched onto its handsewn blouse.

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  • .--. .-.. . .- ... . .... . .-.. .--. . . . . .--. .-.. . .- ... . .... . .-.. .--.
    .--. .-.. . .- ... . .... . .-.. .--.
    The signal ends here.

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  • A gourd bottle that contains the haze created by Twilight Mists.
    Only the most prepared may dare open the bottle.
    It is said that unworthy victims end up killing themselves, shrouded by the mist-borne regrets from the past and overwhelmed by the weight of the unchangeable.

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  • The Chain War had ended, but there was new chaos growing in the lands of Anikka. Sien followed the chaotic energy to Prisma Valley and discovered that Guardian Luen was the core cause of the events. Sien and his eight followers sealed the valley tight to subdue Guardian Luen and started to cleanse his soul. Guardian Luen, upon coming back to his senses, told Sien to kill him, saying the disaster was caused by the demonic power that spread to his body through his wound. Sien, however, insisted that he would save Luen, just as Guardians had saved him and his loved ones in the past.
    After a long silence, Guardian Luen disappeared into the clouds.
    - So be it, friend.

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  • A bottle cast from the ocean beyond the horizon.
    Inside the bottle is a small folded letter. Is it possible that it was meant for someone specific?
    "It has been over five years since I boarded this ship following Bloodclaw, the greatest pirate in the world. As much as I have the proud honor of fighting beside him... I'm longing for you on days like this when the sea is calm under thousands of stars. I feel a huge battle will be coming soon. The chances of my return are slim, I know, but my yearning heart desires to cuddle you and our baby in these arms."
    - Eins Heine, Staff Captain of Bloodclaw

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  • Honey produced by Hybees in Tortoyk.
    Its glutinous texture leaves a lasting sweetness on the tongue.
    "Look, look! It's Hybee Honey! This tastes so good, so very, very good!
    "Uh... Occasionally a sip of honey can contain a touch of Hybee venom that can numb your tongue."
    "Sorry... Didn't tink dis wud happn so qickly..."

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  • A Plague Spore is so toxic that the slightest touch on the skin can infect a person.
    If left untreated, the ecosystem around Loghill could take an irrevocable damage.
    This is a odd thing, indeed. We have never seen a poison of this sort, so the cure for it is hard to produce.
    Continued research only confirms that this is a new type of poison that has never been seen before.
    It was... as if we were in the Chain War.
    People say that there were Demons that carried disease and plague throughout the battlefield... I must be imagining things.
    Why would the Demons help these grave robbers?

    -Shelter Keeper Maydok, on investigating the poison killing the nearby animals

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  • Renowned stonemasons gathered in Loghill, a proud town famous for its heritage of masonry. They accepted the challenge to build a statue of Regulus, the one that would embody all the glory and the splendor of the God of Light.
    Emet, a legendary mason, read through all the theological books in Rethramis and designed a statue that resembled the god as closely as possible. A few days before the grand project's completion, Emet was invited to the cathedral, where he couldn't resist his curiosity and stepped into the library of forbidden books.
    The next day, he was dragged out from the cathedral screaming, and was cast out to Loghill. When everyone fell asleep, he smashed the nearly-finished statue of Regulus into pieces.

    "The god is not coming. We need to be ready."

    Emet was arrested by the guardian knights of the Holy Sacrian Empire, and is still behind the steel bars of the cathedral prison.

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  • A book written in an ancient language.
    It describes the four ancient elementals in detail.
    "Those who want to make a pact with the ancient elementals must be prepared for the trials. Sylperion, the Ancient Elemental of Lightning, tests wisdom. Undart, the Ancient Elemental of Water, tests endurance. Gnosis, the Ancient Elemental of Earth, tests the sense of order and courtesy. Of all the elementals, Ephernia, the Ancient Elemental of Fire, presents the most difficult test to pass. You need strong desire, courage, and tenaciousness to be acknowledged by him."

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  • An old letter found in the destroyed Xeneela.
    It seems to have been written by a Sylvain who moved to Vern.
    "I know we won't be able to come back to Rohendel after tonight.
    "I know we can't turn back time, no matter how much we regret what we did in the past.
    "We will not forget the destruction we brought to this land in the past, and we will always be grateful for Queens Azena and Inanna for letting us shoulder our burden of sins.
    "We will pay for our sins away from our home, missing and dreaming of coming back to Rohendel."

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  • A helm once worn by King Caldarr, a belligerent lord of Umars.
    He defeated Telpa in Yorn, expanded his kingdom, and finally took control over the whole continent.
    He was always the first to charge into battle, axe held high, and the rest of Umars praised him for his valiance and called him Caldarr the Iron Heart.

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  • An artisan's hand made with bronze.
    It was made after the hand of Nivar, a craftsman who created the Ark of Arrogance during King Caldarr's reign.
    Although it does not have any magical effects, just putting it in the right spot makes the room much fancier.
    "One of the greatest things about Nivar was that he sealed the Ark of Arrogance after putting so much effort into creating it. How did he manage to suppress his desire to boast about a work so great? By my Umarian beard! I wouldn't have lasted three seconds without screaming to let people know it was I who created it!"

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