The Secrets of Anikka Cuisine

The Secrets of Anikka Cuisine

Uncommon Adventurer's Tome

  • The full collection of Anikka's gourmet dishes!
    The most amazing dishes that you won't find in Rethramis, Luterra, or Vern!
    Reading this book just once will turn you into an Anikka cook!
    "...The traditional wine of Anikka is beyond description, to be frank. Unlike Luterran beer, which is known for its wild flavor and fruity smell, it is quite soft on the throat, with a very delicate aroma that lingers in the mouth... It makes the perfect liquor of choice to drink during a meal. What about the thing called 'dumplings' they have in Changhun? The wonder of vegetable and meat packed into that thin dough skin! You cannot help but scream with joy every time the juice pops out of it as you chew. Anikka, in short, is every food lover's paradise."
    - Excerpt from the cooking legend Amalone's recommendatory comment

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