Ahrithe Nine-Tailed Fox

  • 3

    Attack Power

  • 4

    Defense Power

  • 8

    Abillity Power

  • 5


Champion Statics

STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18 STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18
Health 590(+104) 2358 Mana 418(+25) 843
Hp Regen 2.5(+0.6) 12.7 Mana Regen 8(+0.8) 21.6
Attackdamage 53(+3) 104 Armor 21(+4.7) 100.9
Attack Speed - - Magic Resist 30(+1.3) 52.1
Attack Ranged 550 550 Movement Speed 330 330
STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18
Health 590(+104) 2358
HP Regen
(per 5sec)
2.5(+0.6) 12.7
Attack Damage 53(+3) 104
Attack Speed - -
Attack Ranged 550 550
Mana 418(+25) 843
Mana Regen
(per 5sec)
8(+0.8) 21.6
Armor 21(+4.7) 100.9
Magic Resist 30(+1.3) 52.1
Movement Speed 330 330

Champion Skill

  • Essence Theft

    [ Passive ]

    After killing 9 minions or monsters, Ahri heals.
    After taking down an enemy champion, Ahri heals for a greater amount.

  • Orb of Deception

    [ Q ]
    • COST: 55/65/75/85/95
    • COOL TIME: 7
    • RANGE: 970

    Ahri sends out and pulls back her orb, dealing magic damage on the way out and true damage on the way back.

  • Fox-Fire

    [ W ]
    • COST: 30
    • COOL TIME: 9/8/7/6/5
    • RANGE: 700

    Ahri gains a brief burst of Move Speed and releases three fox-fires, that lock onto and attack nearby enemies.

  • Charm

    [ E ]
    • COST: 60
    • COOL TIME: 12
    • RANGE: 975

    Ahri blows a kiss that damages and charms an enemy it encounters, instantly stopping movement abilities and causing them to walk harmlessly towards her.

  • Spirit Rush

    [ R ]
    • COST: 100
    • COOL TIME: 130/115/100
    • RANGE: 450

    Ahri dashes forward and fires essence bolts, damaging nearby enemies. Spirit Rush can be cast up to three times before going on cooldown, and gains additional recasts when taking down enemy champions.

Basic Skin

Champion's Story

Innately connected to the magic of the spirit realm, Ahri is a fox-like vastaya who can manipulate her prey's emotions and consume their essence—receiving flashes of their memory and insight from each soul she consumes. Once a powerful yet wayward predator, Ahri is now traveling the world in search of remnants of her ancestors while also trying to replace her stolen memories with ones of her own making.

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