The 8th Sword of Changhun. Also the owner of a dumpling store. Uses a martial art called Changhun Dumpling Fist.
The 8th Sword of Changhun. Also the owner of a dumpling store. Uses a martial art called Changhun Dumpling Fist.
Collect 3 Cards : Strength +3, Dexterity +3, Intelligence +3
Collect 3 Cards(Awakening Level Total 6) : Bonus vs. Elementals +0.06%
Collect 3 Cards(Awakening Level Total 12) : Bonus vs. Elementals +0.07%
Collect 3 Cards(Awakening Level Total 15) : Bonus vs. Elementals +0.07%
Collect 10 Cards : Strength +5, Dexterity +5, Intelligence +5
Collect 10 Cards(Awakening Level Total 20) : Bonus vs. Elementals +0.06%
Collect 10 Cards(Awakening Level Total 40) : Bonus vs. Elementals +0.07%
Collect 10 Cards(Awakening Level Total 50) : Bonus vs. Elementals +0.07%