They were Worlds favorites from the very start, and they lived up to the hype. DAMWON Gaming blew through the entire World Championship, only losing three games from start to finish, beating out DRX, G2 Esports, and finally Suning Gaming in the knockouts to claim the Summoners Cup and return it to the LCK once again. DWG knocked down Suning in a 3-1 victory, fighting three close games and finishing off the series with a 26 minute stomp to conclude Worlds 2020.
After the series, the DAMWON players and coaches spoke to the press about their Worlds run and what it means to claim the Summoners Cup for Korea.
Watch the press conference here, or read the transcript below:
(To ShowMaker) In the teaser video for the finals, you said that you’ll play as if this is your last opportunity. With DWG’s victory, has your confidence in LCK being the strongest region gone up?
Definitely. I hope that the LCK will win Worlds again next year.
(To everyone) Congratulations on bringing the Summoner’s Cup back to the LCK after three years. Canyon stated that he’d be picking Nidalee or Graves as his Worlds skin. What about the rest of the players?
Nuguri: I’m not too sure, but I’m contemplating Kennen.
BeryL: Probably Leona or Pantheon. Although, Pantheon may not be viable as a support next season, so I’m still thinking about it.
ShowMaker: Twisted Fate.
Canyon: I’m a Graves one-trick, so I’ll choose Graves.
Ghost: It’ll be either Jhin, Ashe, or Caitlyn.
(To Ghost) You went from being relegated out of the LCK in 2018 to winning Worlds tonight. What is the most memorable moment in your journey? Is there anything that you’d like to say to all the players, who’ve been through thick and thin?
The most memorable moment has to be right after we won Worlds. I just want to say that even someone like me can win Worlds, so keep working hard towards your dreams.
(To Canyon) In your previous interview, you said that the current jungle meta is very similar to how it was in the LCK. How has it changed compared to last year?
Last year, the meta was all about ganks and dives. This year, junglers focus on their own growth through hard farming and carry the game. Laners are left to fend for themselves, so that’s why junglers are put more on the spotlight when the laners do well.
(To Zefa) You’ve proven that the LCK is the strongest region once again. As the LCK enters franchising in 2021, do you think that the region will grow even stronger?
Thank you. I think that they’ll definitely get stronger over time.
(To Zefa) Congratulations on the victory tonight. After being knocked out with SKT in the semifinals, you joined DAMWON Gaming to lead them to becoming world champions. Can you rate your players’ performance tonight, and what would you like to say to them?
We did make some mistakes, but we closed out the series 3-1, so I believe that they played well tonight. I just want to tell them that they’re the best in the world.

(To Nuguri) The top laner for SN, Bin, stated that he was really looking forward to the matchup vs. you tonight. What are your thoughts on the matchup against Bin? What are your thoughts on Bin as a player?
I think that he’s really good with his macro on a side lane, splitpush champion. To my knowledge, he’s a very young player, so I think he’ll become a great player in the future. Tonight, Bin played splitpush champions, while I played teamfighting champions, so I think we won due to my teammates doing their part very well.
(To Zefa) They say that DWG had a hard time finding practice partners, so how was practice for the team? What was the focal point behind the team’s practice?
They’ve all been training well up to this point, and because of various shoots, we really didn’t have time to practice. We took some time to watch SN’s VODs and had team meetings.
(To Zefa) Just as you promised, you won Worlds. How has the team grown since they were knocked out from Worlds in 2019?
They seemed like a bunch of rookies who played through relying on their mechanics in 2019. This year, through Coach Daeny’s feedback, they were able to learn more about the game, so they also became very smart about the game. That’s why they were able to win Worlds tonight.
(To BeryL) In game 1, you pressured Bin’s Wukong very hard over many scenarios. Was it intentional? What were your thoughts when you ulted bot lane and baited out Wukong’s ult in a 1 vs 1 scenario?
All champions have their respective roles within the game. In game 1, my duty was to peel for my immobile carries from Wukong’s ult, so I was looking really hard for him all game. Even if I ended up dying from Wukong, it was worth it for my team.
I saw Wukong walk into a bush with a ward, so even though I thought I was stepping over the line, I was able to bait out his ult.

(To ShowMaker) Congratulations on becoming the world champions! From Challengers Korea to world champions, what is the most memorable moment in that two-year journey? (excluding tonight)
I wanted to say tonight, but…(Laughter) I think the most memorable moment for me has to be when I couldn’t qualify for the CK playoffs in 2018. I remember thinking, “What am I going to do with my life?” I think that’s the most memorable moment.

Ghost: I actually want to say something. I’ve been a pro gamer for a really long time, and I’ve had a lot of rough patches in my journey. I’d like to thank all the fans who’ve been with me all the way. I once thought that the world has turned its back against me, but despite feeling so, my family and my girlfriend has been on my side, so I want to tell them that I love them very much.
All images via: Riot Games
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