Ludwig calls out Addison Rae: "We don't f*ck with the blue light cream"

Ludwig released a video this week, reacting to TikTok sensation Addison Rae's decision to promote her new "blue light protection" mist Screen Break. In the video, he called Rae tone deaf and implied she is out of touch, given that she apparently missed the entire controversy surrounding Valkyrae's very similar product last year RFLCT, which shut down completely due to the public backlash.


"A cursory Google search, and you will find out that isn't to a good idea," Ludwig said. "That is like if I announce an NFT tomorrow. LIke if I somehow just missed everything that happened, and was like 'you know what would be sick , if I did a bunch of Ludwig NFTs. I think that would be super chill.' I don't get it. I don't get how you are that tone-deaf and not enough in the sauce to see that we don't fuck with the blue light cream anymore."



Screen Break promises to protect your skin from the dangers of those pesky screens, despite there being little to no evidence that screens present a real danger to your skin. Valkyrae, one of Ludwig's friends, came under serious fire last year for a nearly identical product line called RFLCT. She released her own reaction to Addison Rae's new Screen Break product, jokingly changing her Twitter name to VALKY to distance herself from the name Rae.



While many are condemning Addison Rae's new product in a similar fashion to RFLCT, there has been significantly less backlash overall in comparison to what VALKY experienced. Some have called this out as a double standard, including Philip DeFranco, who called the scandal a "disgusting double standard" in his Wednesday video.

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