7 creative emotes that narrowly avoided death

Emoting in Overwatch can be a fun way to express yourself mid-match. Except, what if they’re more than that? These seven people take the art of emoting to a whole new level and flawlessly implement them into their game plan. Expressing yourself has never felt so good.

1. The spider hides from a predator.

The spider lays a poison trap, hoping to deter her predator from pursuing. Realizing that might not be enough, she sits in the shade of a cactus, hidden to all but the most observant attacker. As the threat passes, she escapes with her life. Nature truly is remarkable.

2. An impromptu workout dodges a bullet.

Feeling a bit stiff in his old age, Soldier:76 limbers up a bit mid fight with some pushups. The enemy McCree comes around with murder in his heart and an ult in his hand. However, upon seeing the dedication to health that his buddy Soldier:76 has, he lets him carry on in peace. McCree isn’t so lucky, however.

If only he would’ve taken a seat…

3. McCree takes a seat.

Now that’s more like it. A beautiful Deadeye takes out five, but where’s that last bad guy? McCree takes a seat out of instinct and narrowly dodges having his head punched clean off. Not today, Doomfist.

4 & 5. Tracer two-for-one special.

When you think about it, these two aren’t even really fair. Tracer has some control, limited as it is, over her own timeline. Sitting down to dodge a few skill shots should be second nature to her. You can almost see the sadness in that Roadhog’s eyes as he jumps backward, robbed of his hook.

6. Junkrat spots a threat and takes immediate cover.

Junkrat has always reminded me a bit of a tunnel dwelling mammal, but this takes the cake. I don’t know what kind of sci-fi wood that little wagon is made of, but either it's strong enough to stop bullets, or McCree is a strict adherent to the ‘I can’t see them so they aren’t there’ rule. Either way, well played to the Junkrat for hard countering High Noon with a simple emote.

 The first step to infiltration is having someone on the inside.

McCree plays this like an absolute quick-match pro. He approaches the patsy, establishes trust, then brutally takes advantage of his new alliance. With nothing but a simple wave goodbye, Widowmaker is stupefied. Stuck with both the blame and the soul crushing realization that she’s been had. Did the Widowmaker really watch all of this happen, or was she too busy trying to emote back?

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