Acquiring New Champions
In Axie Champions, you can equip up to 5 champions in a team.
However, when you first launch the game, you only have 4 champions.
So, to equip the 5th champion, you need to acquire a new champion.
There are 3 ways to obtain champions.
- Open the Home menu and go to the Mailbox to use the champion capsules received as an attendance reward.
- In the Shop, under Special, you can obtain free capsules and ad capsules from the Champion Capsules section.
- Complete daily and weekly missions to earn capsules.

How to Build a Team
1. Go to the TEAM menu.
2. Select a champion and press the INFO button to check the champion's stats and skills.
3. After selecting the champion to use, press the EQUIP button.

4. Go to the AXIES tab.
5. Select the Axie you want and press the EQUIP button.
6. The Axie's class shape and the champion's body shape must match for the Axie to board. The champion boarded by an Axie gains additional stats.
7. Champions that don’t have an Axie boarded can also participate.

Combat Method
1. You can swap the positions of 2 blocks.
2. If 3 or more blocks of the same color are connected horizontally or vertically, you can destroy them.
3. The champion boarded by the Axie with the same color as the block attacks.
4. It's effective to destroy blocks of multiple colors simultaneously.
5. After your attack, the opponent's turn proceeds.

6. Depending on the color and number of destroyed blocks, the champion's skill gauge is charged.
7. A champion with a full skill gauge can use skills before moving blocks.

8. A champion who has been defeated during battle can still attack but cannot use skills.
9. Victory is achieved by defeating all of the opponent's champions.

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