A new class for Black Desert Online has been revealed at the Black Desert FESTA on Dec 2nd (KST).
The new class, 란 (pronounced as Lahn), is a female melee class that uses a stretchable main-hand weapon. The Lahn will use a new type of main-hand weapon called the Crescent Pendulum, which is exclusive to her.
Pre-registration for the Lahn will start as of today in KR, and further information including when the Lahn will go live in game or the Lahn's Awakening has not been revealed yet.

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Comments :8
level 1 Ex__Animo
Looks like someone got really aggressive with a Qipao, anything that resembles a Qipao and I'm sold-- this looks great.
level 1 Frozensapphire
Im excited and i hope there will be new content along with her
level 1 N0rthWind
I hope a male version gets released along with her. It'll be extremely disappointing if every male class has a female counterpart (Valk, Mae, Mystic, Kuno, Witch) but every female class is pretty much exclusive (Tamer, Ranger, DK, Sorc and now this).
level 1 EusDevil
@N0rthWindme too, i rly wanted a dark elf/dk male... i am very disappointed and irritated by this.
level 1 Draco
@EusDevilMale elves are not canon at all which is why we'll probably never get a male elf equivalent of Ranger or Dark Knight unless Pearl Abyss decides to change the lore of the world.
level 1 Morgreth
@DracoActually the "Male elves are not cannon" remark that has been going around the net about BDO lore is fan based and the devs and creators of the game have said that though they do not have current plans for male elves they are still part of the bdo world though they are "away"
level 1 Cha-
MY body is ready U_U.
level 1 Ganbare
I play KR and NA bdo. I can confirm as of 12/6/17 before KR maintenance. You Could NOT pre create ran class. According to my KR guild, you still cannot do it even after 12/6 maintenance. For anyone feverishly searching for information.