On the 6th (KST), FunPlus Phoenix squared off against Royal Never GIve Up in the 2019 LPL Summer Split finals for the championship trophy in the Mercedez-Benz Arena, located in Shanghai, China. With superior execution in objective control and teamfighting, FPX took the match 3-1 over RNG. With this victory, FPX will head into the 2019 LoL World Championships as the #1 seed for LPL. After the match, FPX joined the media room for a press conference.
Q. This is your first championship victory. How do you feel?
Doinb: Not bad. Lady luck played her part in leading us into victory. My viewers on my stream call me the 3rd best midlaner, but if I stream tonight, I can call myself the champion midlaner. (laughter)

Q. What was on your mind during the last pentakill?
Lwx: I didn't know it was a pentakill. Until the very end, I just wanted to win the match and the championship.
Q. You've been named MVP of today's match up. How would you rate your play today?
Crisp: I'm happy to be named MVP today. I didn't know until they announced my name, and I was really surprised. I want to give myself a 7 (out of 10) because I made a couple of mistakes.
Q. Back when it was confirmed that you'll be going to Worlds this year, you were crying, so what about today? You've always said that winning the championship was your goal, and now that you've achieved that goal, how does it feel?
Tian: Last time, I cried not because I got to go to Worlds, but I was able to do something that was very difficult. Back then, I was just very excited. While I really do feel ecstatic that I've won the championship, I don't feel extremely satisfied.
Q. You've died quite a lot early in game 3, so how was your mental game?
GimGoon: I really didn't understand why the enemy kept coming top. If the enemy went bottom, they might've had an easier time. I felt that it didn't really matter if they kept killing me. When I died, I just told my teammates to do well.

Q. This is your first Worlds attendance, so are you nervous? What's your goal?
Doinb: I'm not nervous. I at least want to go to the semi-finals.
Q. Is there a particular player that you want to meet at Worlds?
Tian: I don't know which teams have been confirmed for Worlds, and I really don't care. All teams are strong and not to be underestimated.
Q. In the last game, how did you feel when everyone died except for you? What did your teammates say?
Crisp: At the time, even if I died, I felt that I had to block the incoming wave. Even my teammates told me to not worry about them and just clear the minion wave.
Q. How did it feel when you went up to play up on the championship stage? What was the biggest obstacle when preparing for tonight?
WarHorse: We got 1st during our first season in the LPL, but there were a lot of people who didn't like us. However, we worked really hard over the last year, so we've become champions.
Q. Now that you guys have locked your spot as the 1st seed for LPL, what's your goal?
WarHorse: The previous 1st seeds for LPL didn't live up to the expectations. We've never been to Worlds before, so it'll definitely be a challenge. As the 1st seed for LPL, I at least want to make it to the semifinals.

Q. Why did you pick Yasuo in game 1?
Doinb: If played right, I should've been able to carry that game. We expected them to lane swap, but we didn't want to. Although the results didn't match our expectations, if we played that game right, I would've carried.
Q. The biggest reason for winning the championship tonight?
Doinb: Me.
*Special thanks to EsportsFocus for the support.
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