2019 LCK Spring Finals
SKT T1 vs Griffin
Game 1

ㄴ I can’t believe that I’m watching this unbelievable matchup with my own eyes!
ㄴ The matches I watch always end 3:0 .
ㄴ Go outside and get some fresh air on Saturdays guys...
ㄴ I think there’s going to be a riot if this ends 3:0.

SlayerSBoxer is in the house!!
ㄴ Starcraft legend came to watch the current Legends.
Look at the draft
ㄴ Wow, didn’t expect to see Pantheon.
ㄴ Garen: Yo, can you guys pick me too?

Griffin win!
ㄴ What are you doing Mata?
ㄴ SKT… It’s only 40 seconds…
Griffin prepared a lot.
ㄴ Wasn’t Sword underperforming?
ㄴ How did Kiin win Sword??
Look at Chovy’s CS...
ㄴ How did he get more CS than Ryze?
ㄴ 180CS in only 16 minutes!
3 straight Infernals.
ㄴ I think these Drakes know how the Finals work...
ㄴ They know better than Riot.

Faker god!
ㄴ He is back from the dead!
Clid is losing every objective.
ㄴ Pretty disappointing...
ㄴ Tarzan was always strong against Clid.
ㄴ Tarzan carrying the game with Smite.
???: You guys, it happens…

Show him some mercy!!

???: Buy me Tarzan kkOma… Just let him play only around the mid lane.
How’d this happen all of a sudden?
ㄴ I wonder how loud the roar was in the stadium.
ㄴ HeKhanrim doing everything!
This game is so fun!
ㄴ Okay. Chovy has every right to flame his teammates.

A person I remember when watching Teddy perform.

Yo, Prey...
Game 2
Galio + Jarvan… SKT has it all!
ㄴ Chovy’s Lissandra is like a self-nerf…
Oh my… Griffin what are you guys doing!?
ㄴ This is the importance of experience.
ㄴ To think of it… I’m not that sure whether there would be a riot or not if SKT wins 3:0.
ㄴ They’re going to put the stadium on fire because of all the happiness.
kkOma’s reactions... I love this guy.

Look at that bottom lane difference... Didn't expect this in the Finals.
ㄴ Teddy, what have you been hiding in Jin Air...

Griffin players seem pressured for sure.
ㄴ They definitely seem pressured from that 1st game loss.
ㄴ What the hell are you doing Chovy!
ㄴ Faker is so good in important matches.
ㄴ Wow, Khan going 1vs 2, 3 …
ㄴ He’s been laning 1 vs 2 for quite a while… He’s so good!
ㄴ This game is already pretty one-sided.
Griffin is like an “unlucky” version of the former Koo Tigers.
ㄴ Seems like the SKT vs Kingzone match was the “real” LCK Finals.

???: We should have been here...
ㄴ The only team that gave SKT some "pressure".
ㄴ Legends say that the real Finals ended a week ago.
Okay, let’s go 3:0… Then I can go watch the EPL.
ㄴ Yep it’s going to be a perfect Saturday night if Sonny is in the starting lineup.

???: Hmm… Faker’s Azir... You learned well from me.

So, which champion should I use next!
Game 3
I think Chovy’s going to use Lissandra.

Wait… This wasn’t what I was thinking of.

Pantheon again?
ㄴ It’s completely the same.
ㄴ What’s Garen doing??? Pantheon has been chosen twice already!

The man that has everything except a wife.
LoL is all about mentality.
ㄴ Yeah, it is. But the thing is that 90% of the users are already out of their mind.
Next stop for SKT… Winning the LPL teams.
Khan seems so happy on Riven LOL.
ㄴ Teddy and Khan… You guys may play LoL happily ever after.
Faker has won another trophy.
ㄴ When is this guy going to stop?
Post-match reactions

The player that was threatening than the entire Griffin team.
ㄴ PawN the Corki.

Here comes our MVP!
ㄴ Started from Jin Air, and now the LCK trophy. What a run.

Faker is crying...
ㄴ Look at this guy! His tears are for all his teammates that couldn't lift the trophy with him.
ㄴ Simply a legend...
ㄴ It was a 3:0 but it's still a drama... Congrats to SKT.

The start of everything.
ㄴ How did they know?
ㄴ Match fixing???
A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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