Melee Champion C9 Mango returns to Twitch after week ban: "You thought this ban was going to change me?"

After a week-long ban for allegedly passing out from heavy drinking during a stream, Super Smash Bros. Melee player and streamer Joseph "Mango" Marquez returned to broadcasting a mixture of gaming, drinking, and "just chatting" styled entertainment on Monday, January 14th.

Before appearing on stream, he had the following video prepared to provide context of his return. The video pokes fun at his initial ban and plays up some of his streaming audiences in-jokes:

The video is 3:34 seconds long. After that, Mango appears on stream.

For those in chat anticipating Mango's return, it was an exciting moment. After revealing himself in front of a small refrigerator filled with alcohol and what appeared to be a glass of alcohol in his hand,  Mango then proceeded to "shotgun" a can of beer he opened with a knife:

Mango would go on to mention that if he were to break 9,000 subscribers during this stream he would open up the refrigerator. 

As the stream continued, Mango would go on to exceed past that 9,000 subscriber goal, drink the beers in the fridge, take drinks out of a bottle of Jameson Irish Whiskey and also attempt to chug a bottle of sake. All the while monitoring his BAC (Blood Alcohol Level) via a breathalyzer device apparently linked to his stream.

According to, Mango has lost 214,336 followers since last week, presumably due to the ban.

The Alcoholism Risk Assessment

In his usual tongue-in-cheek fashion, Mango would then go on to take an Alcoholism Risk Assessment test via for his stream viewers. Answering honestly, (though not without criticism of the questions) Mango scored a 56% -- which website considered a "High Risk" for alcohol dependency. 

As one would expect, Twitch chat began creating various memes and other jokes surrounding the number 56% and the humor of hyperbolic rumors surrounding Mango being the most "dangerous" man in Smash Bros.

Fellow competitive Smash Bros. player and streamer Hugo "HugS" Gonzalez also took the test and criticizes the results on Twitter, remarking on how easy it is to be scored as a high risk that should seek medical attention immediately.



An Unjust Ban

Ultimately, Mango publically expressed his disagreement with his week-long ban, questioning both Twitch's big picture intention on banning him and the platform's lack of consistency on what is and what isn't a bannable offense regarding passing out on stream.

For example, Mango (without bringing up names) mentioned cases of some other professional Smash Bros. players being visibly passed on out stream "for hours" without any comment or ban from Twitch.

In comparison, Mango affirms that he didn't really pass out and only dropped to the ground (beer in hand) for comedic and entertainment purposes:

Mango also explained to his stream that he didn't understand what Twitch was trying to accomplish with his ban. "If anything," he says, Twitch has "only created a monster".

Should Twitch care?


Mango is known for his unfiltered and authentic personality and, as such, has earned a loyal following of fans just like him. The mainstream popularity of esports is at odds with players like Mango and his rejection of a suit-and-tie approach to professional gaming is appreciated by many while causing worry among others. 

During the stream, Mango stated that if he were to reach 10,000 subscribers in one night, he would "get banned again". This is, of course, alluding to the heavy drinking that would supposedly follow the accomplishment.

His decision to raise the stakes with regard to his stream drinking has, so far, warranted no reaction or comment from Twitch. It is worth noting that Twitch has in the past closed channels for taking shots of alcohol for every donation or linking excessive drinking with methods of supporting the channel.

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Comments :3

  • -1

    level 1 Kiz_and_Goldie


    I hate people like this he doesn't realize that drinking to excess while thirteen-year-olds watch you makes you the asshole not twitch

    • 1

      level 1 ITS_MY_OPINION


      Dude, he does it for shits and giggles. 13 year olds will probably be told by their parents not to drink anyway. Also, it’s Mang0. Who do you expect to follow in his footsteps?

    • 0

      level 1 adsfasdfas


      Almost no 13 year olds play melee and watch mango . It's not his fault that his fans are seeing him. If they don't want to see it they can just click off.

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