*All reactions have been collected, translated, and edited from KR communities such as LoL Inven and FM Korea.

Interestingly, the finals are LCK all-time no.1 vs. no.2.
ㄴ That’s just because Deft played in China for a while.
ㄴ Yeah, Deft had more than 1,000 kills in China. He would have been 1st in at least kills.

Jonnastrong predicted DRX 3:0 LOL
ㄴ Lira and Dangoon also predicted DRX hmm
ㄴ Jonna always plays against the odds
ㄴ But remember Dangoon got the semis exactly right

Pyosik haha
ㄴ “Streamer attitude”

The unkillable demon king.
ㄴ It’s his fifth Worlds finals. He looks very calm and comfortable.
ㄴ He got so natural with all the experience. Remember the roll?

I’m here at Chase Center, and it’s really far from the stage. The advantage is that I can jump off if T1 loses.
ㄴ I heard beer is 24,000 KRW.
ㄴ Water is 8,400 KRW.

"This worlds is a drama without a script, and it's not over yet. We'll enjoy this challenge and finish it as a happy ending."
DRX’s miracle run:
They finished 6th in summer regular season
Beat KT 3-2 in regional qualifier elimination series
Beat LSB 3-2 in regional qualifiers for 4th seed
Beat RNG in play-ins to reach groups
Got through groups in 1st place against TES and Rogue
Reverse swept EDG 3-2 in quarterfinals
Beat the favorites Gen.G 3-1 in semifinals
ㄴ All this to become offerings to the demon king
ㄴ “It’s an offering to the gods.”

???: Keria, you promised me!!!
ㄴ Deftpaca is the best meme ever in the history of LoL esports haha
Game 1

ㄴ You'll never get it. Let's go DRX Sylas!

*Pyosik ganks mid for first blood*
Pyosik’s pathing was amazing.
ㄴ Zeka traded well too
ㄴ But all this is lost with Deft’s death…

Gumayusi steals the dragon!
ㄴ Man, that was a clutch steal
ㄴ Smite is 450 and Guma’s arrow is 490… LOL

Zeus' Yone is nuts.
ㄴ Faker too, they didn't even use Flash to evade Sylas' ult.
ㄴ Chovy's good at Yone, but I think Zeus is top.
ㄴ Of course Zeus is top. Chovy is mid.

Faker is back!!!
ㄴ He never left.
ㄴ He’s so good. Insane old boy.
ㄴ People say that his mechanics have gone down, but it was always there.
Faker just dominated Zeka completely.
ㄴ Don’t count your chickens too early. It’s just game 1.
ㄴ It was just one game.

Official POG for game 1
ㄴ The emperor
ㄴ I thought Keria was awesome.
ㄴ Faker deserved it
Game 2

SSONG’s brain must be bursting.
ㄴ If Red took Aatrox and Graves, they can’t lose.
ㄴ Sad for SSONG that they can’t take Aatrox for their first pick.

ㄴ How in the world did he do that
ㄴ Keria will be finals MVP

*DRX hit back with Faker dive*
Zeka got the kill!
ㄴ Faker saw his death and didn’t even Flash.

The whole game is full of highlights!!
ㄴ They fought like that with no casualties. Amazing.
ㄴ Now, THIS is the world finals!
ㄴ Who said it’ll be boring and one-sided?!

WTF Keria so quick
ㄴ He’s nuts.
ㄴ Pyosik kind of inted there
ㄴㄴ Who would expect Lux would do that?

???: You know, we’re 1-1 against that T1.
ㄴ If T1 wins, Fnatic is 2nd since they’re the only team with a win rate of at least 50% against T1.
ㄴ T1: “Hey, let’s play again.”

ㄴ T1 weren’t aware of that Varus ult…
ㄴ BeryL was the only one that said they could end and he pushed the team forward.
ㄴ The LoL whiz!

No wonder teams started banning Heimerdinger.
ㄴ Strong laning, zoning, occasional stuns… He’s a nuisance.
ㄴ The problem is, only BeryL can play him.

???: I told you we have to end.
ㄴ ???: Because I have to play Genshin.
ㄴ The guy who has reached 3 straight finals.
Game 3

DRX has an answer to Varus
ㄴ Sylas-Viego three straight games, is that alright?
ㄴ I’m starting to get sick of seeing Sylas now.
ㄴ Varus is top tier because there are so many bot champion bans.

KT fans know… Deft’s Kalista is a losing pick…
ㄴ He won against Gen.G though.
ㄴ But it’s true, Kalista is one of Deft’s least-winning picks.

Bot CS diff already 40.
ㄴ I told you Deft Kalista is a bad choice.

LoL Whiz doing it for DRX
ㄴ It looks like BeryL baited them in.
ㄴ BeryL always baits them in.
ㄴ The game would have been shattered to pieces if it weren’t for BeryL.

LoL Whiz vs. Unkillable Demon King
ㄴ A carry battle between the two former champions
ㄴ Info) BeryL and Faker are the only players that have won Worlds before.

ㄴ Pyosik, how did you get this stolen…
ㄴ I screamed out loud watching that!

???: Oner, you have my powers.
ㄴ Power of Bae “Bengi” “The Jungle” Sung-woong.

Another steal! hahaha this time by Varus
ㄴ Go back to streaming, Pyosik.
ㄴ How does a team with Kalista gets two Barons stolen? Wow.

???: Sang-hyeok, I helped you twice already. I can’t help you anymore. You’re on your own now.
ㄴ Actually, it’s three times. Baron spit on Zeka to kill him.
ㄴ Well, it feels comfortable to see Baron Nashor’s on our side.

Faker dealt the most damage in three straight games.
ㄴ Yeah, if they won game 2, Faker would have been the finals MVP.
ㄴ Game 2 was so close…
Game 4

Thank you for not picking a poking comp, T1.
ㄴThank you for not picking Jayce Ahri Jhin. (by T1 Fan)
ㄴ We got Varus Renata and Aatrox. We got this!!
ㄴ How the hell did the draft go this way?
ㄴ Probably the worst draft T1 did all Worlds.

That kitty killed Oner LOL
ㄴ The Rift is making up for the decisions it made in game 3.
ㄴ “The invisible hand”
ㄴ I think Pyosik is better than Oner. Oner’s only good at Smite fights.
ㄴ Yeah, Pyosik has been doing great in this series. Except for the Smites.

Kingen appearing at the right place at the right time.
ㄴ If no Yone, Kingtrox is King.

King “Aatrox” en.
ㄴ Just last week in the semifinals, he wasn’t this good.
ㄴ Kingen is the biggest variable in this series. Everyone thought Zeus would knock him out, but this is different.
ㄴ If DRX wins, Kingen is the finals MVP.
ㄴ I thought I was watching ‘18 TheShy.

ㄴ Fuq… I didn’t want to hear that song.
It’s time for that song!
ㄴ You gotta love the Show Maker
ㄴ T1 DRX fans are anxious like hell and all other fans are entertained!
ㄴ I love this situation.
ㄴ This is the best Worlds finals ever to me.
I think DRX vs. T1 is the finals. The team that wins this match will win Worlds.
ㄴ What parallel world are you from?
ㄴ Hey, Gen.G didn’t play TES yet, so don’t get too ahead of yourself.
Game 5

Why does it feel that DRX is better?
ㄴ T1 winning game 3 was because of a miracle Baron steal, and they lost game 4 easily.
ㄴ I’m scared… Their draft doesn’t look that good.

Deft smiles after picking Bard
ㄴ He said, “Alright, let’s go.”
ㄴ Is this right? Is it alright?
ㄴ As a Bard one-trick, Caitlyn-Bard is good and the ult is good and roaming is good. It’s a good pick.

Dangoon already knows the answer.
ㄴ I thought whoever wins, it would be done before game 5.

Kingen with the solo kill!
ㄴ He’s getting better and better every game.
ㄴ The finals MVP is decided now. If T1 wins, it’s Gumayusi, if DRX wins, it’s Kingen.
ㄴ Zeus is underperforming so much today.
ㄴ Aside from Zeus’ performance, Kingen is doing really great.

ㄴ Doing better and better and better and better

ㄴ Come on, Pyosik. AGAIN?
ㄴ Twice to the ADC once to the jungler
ㄴ Pyosik won’t be able to sleep tonight.

That damage wow
ㄴ Deft earning time to scale by himself
The closer the match, the more fans want to die
ㄴ Other team fans just have fun
ㄴ My blood pressure got way too high

ㄴ BeryL surviving with 1 HP left so many times got them the win
Post match

ㄴ Who would have even imagined this before Worlds?

Keria’s crying his eyes out… I feel so sorry for him…
ㄴ You did well Keria, don’t cry T_T
ㄴ T1 bot duo was awesome.
ㄴ Gumayusi and Keria deserve to cry.

Now, this guy is the best support ever.
ㄴ LoL Whiz
ㄴ???: “I am here to end the best support ever fight between Wolf and Mata.”
ㄴ Two championships without Faker.
ㄴ Who’s Wolf and Mata?

ㄴ I’m crying T_T
ㄴ Anyone who knows their story would cry together

Are we finally getting this skin?
ㄴ ‘17 Longzhu finally get to rest in peace.
ㄴ Khan was the problem.
Pyosik ceremony LOL
ㄴ Zeka stealing his mic so that he has to do it
ㄴ Dead Man's Plate and movement speed 600 LMAO
ㄴ He’s a world-class clown now LOL
ㄴ Why am I the one feeling embarrassed?

Time to re-evaluate these guys.
ㄴ They made a 20K global gold difference in the last game of the season against DRX.
ㄴ Info) They’re the No.10 seed from the LCK.
ㄴ Fact) Actually good teams end the game before the gold difference hits 20K.

Berll pyusk zekka… I amm drrrainnned. I haf to follo the stepps ov Scorr...
ㄴ NO. You’re going nowhere.
ㄴ Ministry of National Defense: “Welcome.”
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