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The Dallas Fuel players seem to enjoy every press conference they are a part of. Whether it's due to their huge fan appeal or the universal good feeling of winning, something about being a member of this team looks really fun.
PMA Power
During Fuel's first press conference during the Overwatch pre-season, the press core was curious as to how this easy-going attitude is maintained despite the stress of being onstage and being in such a public spotlight. Félix "xQc" Lengyel was quick to answer but, first, he just had to gush about how much fun he is having.
However, just as he began to give his answer, his phone kept ringing. Somewhat flustered, he let us know it was his mom. We all laughed.
With the phone turned off and some friendly ribbing from his teammates, he had the room at last:
"To be honest, everything is brand new. The computer is new, the office is new-- everything looks so nice and fresh! I don’t know how it is in other things but, for this, it’s super professional, nice, and organized.
Actually, I don’t need to worry about anything, my team managers baby-sit me basically I have to do pretty much nothing. *laughs*
From food, travel, practice to whatever I just I just ask “hey, what do we do?" and they handle it all. The experience has been very nice and it's been a lot of fun.I can’t wait for the season to start!"
xQc was than asked how he remains so comfortable despite the LAN environment:
Playing on LAN is a little different. The way that I [get comfortable] is like a small ritual. It was my first LAN when I was in Poland during the World Cup. I just take my shoes and my socks off and then, I just feel at home.
Then I look at my screen and I just feel super zoned in. When I don’t have my socks on, I feel like I'm actually in my bedroom. I really don't have stage stress and I don't really get nervous.
He went on to explain how his strong LAN performance, while a surprise to some critics, is what he plans on bringing every match:
I think a lot of people see my stream and analysis my performance. But, when I’m streaming I have viewers and I talk to chat. There are a lot of things do to while you stream as well. I can’t focus entirely on gameplay as much as I'd like too. Then I have to cut on interaction and I’ve grown to like interaction.
I’m here to play and perform and practice every day. When I go up on stage and I prove [critics] wrong, it feels good.
Bad day on stage
While xQc had a great showing during the last day of pre-season, support player Scott "Custa" Kennedy wasn't so thrilled with his own play:

I asked him to elaborate on what he meant by "not so much impact" and he had a lot to say about his own improvement potential:
"Playing on stage is sort of a different zone. In scrims, I've been cracking heads a lot more. Getting some more value kills, you know, really adding impact and killing people my self and helping the team at times. Today, I didn't get many individual frags not really dealing with the Tracer as much as you can on Zenyatta. It just wasn't my day."
How do you recover from a bad day? What is the personal plan to improve?
"At the end of the day, I know how good I am at this game. I know I put in so much time and practice to be good. I know I can play better. Everyone has their bad days, everyone misses shots. Everyone makes bad decisions.
I'll just practice, we got another month until the main season starts and once we get there, I can show some better games."

Photo courtesy of Dallas Fuel.
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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