New Mercy abilities! Valkyrie ultimate grants flight and improved abilities. Solo hero Resurrect baseline.

▲ Mercy is getting a new ultimate and it is being tested on the PTR.

D.Va may have been getting a lot of attention thanks to her new Micro Missiles ability, but it looks like Mercy is getting the most substantial rework. 

The biggest change is that her Resurrect ability is now baseline and is on a 30-second cooldown. This ability only resurrects one Hero and you have around a 5-second Window to resurrect said target. This will make playing Mercy much more strategic, as choosing who to Ressurect becomes a factor during fights.

Her new ultimate is called "Valkyrie" and acts as follows:

- Grants flight for around 20 seconds. This is unhindered flight and Mercy becomes the most mobile hero in the game. Almost like a spectator camera.

- During Valkyrie, she moves as fast as Lucio during amp-it-up. 

- During Valkyrie, her Pistol's fire rate is increased drastically. Damage on the pistol is increased as well.

- Resurrect is on a 10-second cooldown in Valkyrie form.

- During Valkyrie, Mercy can heal and damage boost multiple people a the same time. The beams bounce to multiple targets.

- Passive HP regeneration is no longer interrupted when Mercy takes damage.

These are massive changes and look to completely change the way Mercy is played. More on this story as details in the PTR become available.

RELATED:  7 ridiculous clips from this weeks APEX Season 4 matches

UPDATE: Blizzard just released the full developer video, explaining everything in detail.

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Comments :3

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    level 1 Ben_Hubbard


    These changes suck keep the old mercy some people don't hide with ult they actually heal KEEP THE OLD MERCY

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      level 1 JackDanielBaker


      Considering I barely manage to Ressurect more than 2 people with Mercy most of the time, having a possible Ressurect every 30 Seconds sounds a lot better to me.

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      level 1 Alex_ander


      Definitely don't keep the old mercy. I am a mercy main, and I love her new ult. It will be better in team fights and makes her a special pick, better comboed with lucios sound barrier than zennyattas trancendance.. Plus, more people who are "mercy mains" but can't play her at all are most likely to fade away beacuse her rez ult is gone. Blizzard needs to keep this change, although it needs be nerfed (slightly reduce the time from 20 seconds. Such as 18 or 16 seconds) it is for the better.

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