[All-Star 2019] Shrimp talks about leaving Flamengo Esports

Photo by Riot Games


All-Star Las Vegas 2019 is the seventh international All-Star, where 64 "stars" play against each other for good old fashioned fun. We had the opportunity to talk to Falmengo Esport's previous jungler, Lee "Shrimp" Byeong-hoon.


Hey Shrimp! How are you liking the event so far?

I’m happy. This is my first time in my entire life. It’s my first time here in Las Vegas. I’m very happy and excited to see other players. There are so many famous players around. So much hype.

What is it like to represent Brazil at the League of Legends All-Star?

I’m extremely happy that even if I’m Korean, Brazilian fans like me. I’m also happy that I’ve been able to show a decent performance during my stay here. I’d like to thank everyone who voted for me so that I can get here. 


Why do you think so many LoL fans voted for you to represent CBLOL?

I don’t know, maybe they like me? (Laughs)

Do you think that playing for CBLOL and practicing makes you competitive to go to the LCK?

Not sure, but if I can, I want to. But the thing is for now I didn’t get any offers. I might not want to play in the professional scene; I want to take a break for now.

What do you think the influence of the import players does in the CBLOL scene?


think they do a lot. They play a lot. For example, solo queue, personal practice time. Korean players play solo queue so much and that also motivates the CBLOL players to practice more. I think it’s a positive effect.

After having the best performance in your team at Worlds, you left Flamengo. Why?

Korean males have to go to the army. Next year, I’ll probably have to go. I don’t know when. The Korean government of military service said that I can’t go abroad for longer than 1 year. I can only stay a maximum of six months. That’s why I didn’t re-sign. When teams hire players, hopefully, they’re looking for players that can compete at Worlds. If I play and quit, it wouldn’t be good for them. That’s why I made that decision.

And do you miss Brazil already?

I do. Too much.

What do you miss the most?

All the fans, my teammates.

(Which teammate?)

Arggh. That’s a really hard question. I won’t say this. I miss every teammate, everyone.

Do you have plans for returning and visiting them?



Lastly, can you say a word to you CBLoL fans?




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