In the first match of the 2019 LoL World Championship Quarterfinals in Madrid, Invictus Gaming defeated Griffin 3-1. After the match, the players and coaching staff of Invictus Gaming joined the media for a press conference.

(To TheShy) You dominated top lane throughout the tournament. Is there a player that you’re keeping an eye on?
TheShy: I had an eye on DWG Nuguri and SKT Khan, the players that have high expectations. I played against them in games and scrims, but I don’t think about them much.
(To coach Mafa) Can you evaluate Griffin’s picks and bans today, what they did well or didn’t do well?
Mafa: I don’t think it would be appropriate to evaluate Griffin. When we prepare for picks and bans, we always prepare for the worst-case scenario. I don’t think we faced the worst-case scenario today. Whether we win or lose, we always prepare altogether. The coaching staff and players, I’m thankful to all of them. I’m also very thankful to coach Kim Jeong-soo, who was the head coach of our team last year, I’ve learned a lot from him.

(To Rookie) The EU region is hyped a lot. Do you think they’ll do well or do you think you’re better?
Rookie: I think during the group stage, the EU fans had a lot more power than the Chinese fans. They were a lot louder. I’d like to face EU in the semis and win. I wonder how the fans would react after that.
(To JackeyLove) Between Griffin and Team Liquid, which was harder to beat?
JackeyLove: I think the two teams were similar. They were both relatively easy. Since my teammates did so well and stably, they were both easy to play against.
(To TheShy) In the other game today, Fnatic’s Bwipo picked Rengar against FPX Gimgoon’s Camille. How do you see that matchup?
TheShy: Rengar is a very fun champion… I guess he might be good against Camille, but he’s kind of an uncertain pick… If Camille does well in the laning phase, she should be better.

(To JackeyLove) How can NA become a better region?
JackeyLove: It’s easy. Pick more imports.
(To JackeyLove) You said pick more imports. Why do you think the NA imports from Asia always choke in NA?
JackeyLove: There are two problems, first is that they're not acclimated or second, the players are faulty. I can't think of any other reason.
(To JackeyLove) There was an interesting moment when you teleported into four Griffin players with your Kog’Maw. What was your thought process?
JackeyLove: Actually, I thought we were surrounding the Griffin players. After I teleported in, I realized that I was surrounded. However, my passive dealt a lot of damage.
ESPN tweeted that TheShy is the best player at this Worlds. What do you think?
TheShy: I’m just thankful.

(To Ning) You played less aggressively and very calmly today. Is this your new style?
Ning: No. My champion was mostly weaker than the opponent, so I had to play like that.
(To Rookie) You played against Chovy, but Chovy only played tanks. How was it, and what do you think would have happened if Chovy played a carry champion?
Rookie: Unlike what I expected, he played champions that were tanks. It felt rather strange. Anyways, Chovy’s a good player on those champions as well, so sometimes I had a hard time. However, those picks tend to get weaker the later the games go, so we were able to win in the late game. I think even if he did play aggressive carry champions, I would have won. I have my confidence.
(To Rookie) Faker’s recognized as the world’s best mid laner, and you’re called baby Faker. Caps is also called baby Faker or baby Rookie. Now Nemesis is called baby Caps. Who do you think is the best mid laner in the world?
Rookie: First, I’d like to thank you for such a huge compliment. I haven’t seen all the mid laners play yet. It’ll be hard to decide until Worlds ends, but I think I’m pretty good as well (Laughs).

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