On the 22nd of June (KST), Griffin defeated SK Telecom T1 in the 2019 LCK Summer Split and had their revenge for the Spring Finals. As of this win, Griffin climbed to the top of the standings. In the match, Park “Viper” Do-hyeon and Lee “Tarzan” Seung-yong delivered outstanding performances and were voted as MVPs.

You won 2-0 today. How do you feel?
Viper: Today’s match was a bit longer than usual, so I’m a bit tired, but it’s good that we won.
Tarzan: All our teammates had good concentration today so it was a satisfying match.
Viper played so well on Xayah, but it’s the first time you played Xayah in an LCK match. You’re currently 3-0 on Xayah in KeSPA Cup, Regionals, etc. Why don’t you play her more often?
Viper: I’ve never thought about that. I guess there was a better champion than Xayah for our comps all the time so I picked them.
You didn’t buy QSS in Game 1. Was it because you had faith in Lehends?
Viper: Not really. (Laughs) Since Xayah has her ult, I thought it wasn’t necessary.
It could have been dangerous if you lost the Elder fight at the end. How did it go?
Viper: We had a bad situation there but it went well after fighting for a while.
It was interesting that the comms were really quiet during that fight. Are you always like that?
Viper: I think we tend to get quiet when we’re concentrated. Still, we all enjoy and celebrate after we win.
SKT had many changes in their lineup in Game 2. How was it different?
Tarzan: Although they had some changes, we thought that we would be able to win if we just do as we always did, so we did that.
(To Tarzan) In Game 2, you played Olaf. You had said that your Olaf is different.
Tarzan: Olaf’s traits make him a mediocre champion; he’s not very good. But I have confidence in playing him and I know how to utilize him well.
Your pathing in the jungle, predicting where your opponents’ wards are placed was amazing. Is there a special way that you practice?
Tarzan: Since I play so many games, I think it comes from instinct.
Sivir picked Kleptomancy in Game 2.
Viper: Sona usually comes with Klepto, so I also picked Klepto because it doesn’t feel good if I’m the only one getting all that gold stolen. But she didn't, which was a bit frustrating for me.
Your next match is against Jin Air. What are your thoughts on that match?
Viper: We’ll do the same; do our best to bring an entertaining match and win.
Tarzan: I won’t be careless and do my best preparing so that we can deliver top tier performances.
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