Unique champions are being chosen in the Spring Split. The new champion Sylas made his debut in the LEC with Paul “sOAZ” Boyer, and in the LCS, Eric “Licorice” Ritchie. Another interesting champion was Heo “Huni” Seung-hoon’s ‘hungry Zilean’ with Kleptomancy and Spellthief’s Edge.
Sylas’ debut was on Week 4 Day 1 in the Misfits - Schalke 04 match; as the last pick for the red team, Misfits selected Sylas for their top lane. sOAZ’s Sylas went up against Andrei “Odoamne” Pascu’s Jayce with Arcane Comet. However, he wasn’t able to do much. He went down with a 0/4/0 score and faced a loss before he was able to actively utilize Sylas’ ultimate.
On the other hand, Sylas’ debut in the LCS was quite impressive. Cloud9 was the first to make use of Sylas. Against TSM, Licorice played Sylas with Kleptomancy and a full AP build against Sergen “Broken Blade” Çelik’s Sion. He was all over the Rift stealing ultimate after ultimate. He revived his teammates multiple times by stealing the opponent Zilean’s ult. Licorice ended up with a 3/2/10 record, leading the team to victory.
Meanwhile, a new style of champion appeared in the match between 100 Thieves and Clutch Gaming. Huni premiered ‘hungry Zilean’ in the top lane. This is a new style that started to be popular in solo queue recently. Starting with Kleptomancy and Spellthief’s Edge, the player gives up taking any CS. Although he didn’t take any CS, Huni was ahead of Kim “Ssumday” Chan-ho’s Urgot in accumulated gold. Even near the 10-minute mark, Huni’s CS was only 1.

However, Ssumday wasn’t affected much by the new style. Ssumday countered the opponents’ ganks by himself and led the team to victory. In the same match, Nam “LirA” Tae-yoo played another unique pick, Jayce jungle.
*Image Source: Riot Games
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