G2 support, Wadid, has expressed his strong will to enter the group stage.
On the 2nd at the LoL Park 2018 World Championship Play-Ins, G2 has scored 1-1. The match loss against SuperMassive shook everyone watching. Wadid revealed that he will hone his skills to the best of his ability in the 2 remaining days and qualify for groups. In addition, he also deeply thanked his fans for their ever lasting support.
Below are the interview responses from G2 Wadid.

¤ What are your thoughts on the games?
The results were not as good as I had expected. I do feel very iffy about our result, but I'm glad the day didn't end with an even worse outcome. I think I will need to focus more on our next game.
¤ What do you think are the reasons for the loss against SuperMassive?
While we knew prior that they were good, I believe things went south for us during draft phase. Also, due to our failure to execute plays, this all inevitably resulted in a very one sided loss for us.
¤ How did your team respond to all this?
We all got the feeling we lost during draft phase. Because the basis of how you play out the game is orchestrated from picks&bans, it was hard to picture a winning scenario against SuperMassive's draft. We were all shocked when champions we never thought of came into champion select.
¤ When experiencing a shocking loss, it is difficult to recover one's mindset/mental. How will you go abouts preparing for your next game?
When going through a regular loss, it can be rather detrimental to forcifully lighten up the mood. Since we always had time before the next game, we could gather our thoughts quietly and prepare. Although difficult thoughts come to mind when experiencing a loss, our team will try our best to prepare well within the 2 days we are given.
¤ Have you thoughts of ways to gain an edge over SuperMassive?
Since SuperMassive has an extremely strong bot lane, they tend to give their bot lane priority when it comes to draft as well. We will prepare for the game with their bot lane in mind. SuperMassive's ADC was better than I thought he would be.
¤ How do you feel to be at Worlds for the first time?
I don't feel any different. While I have played in Seoul before, I never felt any emotional attachment. The city I was born in is Busan, and the group stage is at Busan. If I were to make it out of Play-Ins and go to Busan, I think it will be a completely new experience.
I do have a strong urge to play in Busan. My friends will come out to support me. It will certainly be a good memory to play in such an environment. It will also be a good opportunity to show my performance on stage to my parents.
¤ Do you have a goal that you have set for this year's Worlds?
There is a saying that you should always dream big. The goal should be the same for every team. Win! Because of this very reason, all the players are taking feedback more seriously and practicing more. Everyone on G2 are trying their best. Everyone knows how truly important the World Championship is.
¤ Did you see Perkz's statue?
Yeah. It was incredible. The music video and the song is amazing. To be honest, I felt jealous. But, since I received a belt from Rift Rivals, I can't complain that much.
¤ If you were to perform great enough for Riot to make you a statue, which champion do you want your statue to be?
Although I have displayed solid performance on Bard, right now, I really want to show the world my Pyke. Pyke allows non-support like plays and is a champion that can carry.
¤ Lastly, is there anything you want to say?
After G2's rebuilding, many fans were in disappointment. This is due to the big shoes we had to fill from the absence of Zven and Mithy. Nevertheless, the fans gave me immense support. I know it is really hard for fans to ask the players to keep their head high after a loss. Regardless, one by one, the fans really helped me get through all the difficulties. I want to thank you guys, and I will make sure to repay you by showing some amazing plays.
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