[Interview] Meet WEGL Hearthstone Players: Orange, Pavel, Xixo, and Hoej


On the 16th of November in Korea hosting several games and eSports tournaments, G-Star 2017 has begun. Being one of the biggest eSports events in G-Star, WEGL finals will take place as well. Like past tournaments, you cannot miss the popular and influential Hearthstone tournament. The ‘WEGL 2017 Hearthstone KOREA vs WORLD premier’ will be hosting 4 talented Korean players and putting them against 4 renowned International players.

This year’s invited 4 players are Orange, Hoej, Pavel, and Xixo. Ranging from their vast experience in Hearthstone tournaments to yielding promising results, these players have gained a substantial amount of fans/supporters. Inven Global had the opportunity to grab a quick interview with these players a day before the tournament. Since we need to keep in mind of the player’s conditions, we were not able to perform a long and detailed interview. However, we had just enough to gain their excitement and eagerness for this upcoming tournament.

※ Because of the player’s requests, this interview was commenced on the 15th of November and will be posted on the 16th.

▲ Xixo, Hoej, Orange, Pavel


Q. Could you guys briefly introduce yourselves?

Orange : I’m am Orange and I am from Sweden. I am a professional Hearthstone player.

Hoej : I’m Hoej and I’ve been a professional Hearthstone player for 3 years now.

Pavel : I’m a Russian pro Hearthstone player, Pavel. I have been playing Hearthstone since the beta release. I won the last year’s Hearthstone World Championships.

Xixo : I’m Xixo from Germany. Nice to meet you guys.

Q. How many times have you guys been to Korea?

Orange : This is my second time in Korea. Last year, I was in Seoul for a tournament. Korea left a very good impression for me. I’m planning to go back to Seoul after the tournament is over.

Hoej : Although it is my first time in Korea, I have heard the eSports scene here in Korea is a lot more developed than it is in Denmark. I am excited for the games tomorrow.

Pavel : Counting 3 years ago when I was in Korea for the invitationals, this is my 2nd time in Korea. Although the last time I was Korea I had a difficult time eating the food due to the spiciness, I hope it will be better this time around.

Xixo : Starting from the OGn invitationals 2 years ago, I have been coming to Korea consistently every year. Since then, I have made a lot of friends in Korea. I really like Korea.


Q. The quarterfinals are about to go underway. What are you thoughts going into this tournament?

Pavel : I don’t have any thoughts in particular. I’m just going to play my best and make sure I don’t make any mistakes.

Hoej : Before coming to Korea, I have reviewed my opponent’s, Soonie, decks. He really likes to play anti-Druid and anti-Priest decks, so I have adapted my play/decks accordingly.

Orange : I will be up against Kranich, and I respect him very much as a player. I am excited for the games tomorrow, and I will try my best.

Xixo : My teammates showed my replays of Suldabe’s plays, but I don’t think he is that good of a player. I am confident I can win.

Q. Are there any decks that you guys specifically prepared for this tournament?

Hoej : I have just adapted my playstyle and decks to the meta. You guys will just have to see.

Q. In the most recent BlizzCon, the new Hearthstone expansion was released alongside some of the new cards. Are there any cards you guys are excited for?

Orange : Because the tournament schedules have been so tight, I have had not too much time to think about the new expansion.


Hoej: Since there are a lot of weapons coming out in this expansion, I think of putting Harrison Jones in my decks.

Pavel : I am excited about the 5 mana 4-6 that kills your own minion but when it dies, summons 2 copies of the minion you killed with it (Carnivorous Cube).

Q. Many Koreans are still shocked on the card called Ultimate Infestation. What are your opinions on the card?

Pavel : Oh I think they did well making the card. Most people love the card. They should have just changed it to (5) mana deal 5 damage, summon a 5/5 ghoul, gain 5 armor, and draw 5 cards (laughs). No but seriously, that card is OP. Because all Druid wants to do is ramp, the card is insane with Druid.


Orange : I think Ultimate Infestation is one of the best cards printed in Hearthstone. However, everyone uses the card and I use it too (laughs). Druid has now become such a one sided class. They are always so proactive instead of being proactive and reactive. All they care about doing is ramp and win now.

Xixo : I think it is the best 10 mana card in the game. Other 10 mana cards require particular necessary deck building around it but not Ultimate Infestation. You can just put that card in. In order to balance that card, Blizzard needs to give a 10 mana card as good to every class.

Q. The tournament is scheduled to end on the 17th. What are you guys planning to do after?

Orange : Like I said before, I want to go to Seoul. I want to go visit my friend in Seoul.

Hoej : I think we are going to stay in Busan for the time being.

Pavel : I haven’t decided yet. I think after the tournament ends, I will decide what I want to do. Maybe visit Busan’s sites or go to another city and find something to do there.


Q. Could you guys say any last words to your fans?

Xixo : Watching professional Korean players has ever since made me interested in Korean eSports. I want to thank all the Korean fans for supporting me.

Orange : Being a Hearthstone player, it is very difficult to meet my fans. I am very thankful that I get to meet my fans here in Korea. If you guys see me, come up and say hi!

Hoej : I am thankful for being here in Korea for the invitational. I will try my best to show an entertaining performance for the tournament.

Pavel : I want to thank all the fans for supporting and cheering for me. Make sure you guys follow my Twitter and Instagram. Check out my youtube channel as well.

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