Ana and Volskaya Foundry live with Heroes of the Storm 28.0 Patch!


On September 28th, the Heroes of the Storm (HotS) 28.0 Patch has been added to the game. Through this update, Ana - who was previously on the PTR - has officially joined the game, and the new battlefield called Volskaya Foundry with the 2-man object has been added.

In addition, the balance of Johanna, Kharazim, and Rehgar have been adjusted, along with tweaks to mercenary camps in a number of battlefields. Moreover, The special event called Pachimari Mania, where players can obtain Pachimari-related cosmetic items, has begun.

In Pachimari Mania, players need to gather a Pachimari by opening the loot box located around the starting point in the beginning of the game. Various cosmetic items will be given, ranging from emotes to portraits, depending on the number of golden Pachimaris.


Ana is a ranged support Hero with three skills; Healing Dart, which heals an allied Hero, Biotic Grenade, which increases healing on allied Heroes and decrease healing on an enemy, and Sleep Dart, which inflicts Sleep on the enemy; Sleep is a new CC skill to HoTS. However, all of her skills are non-targeting, which makes them a bit difficult to use.

Volskaya Foundry, the second Overwatch battlefield after Hanamura in HotS, is a normal-sized battlefield with three lanes. An object called the Protector is controlled by two players, and the designated points need to be captured in order to control this object.

▲ Just like Assault in Overwatch, players are given extra time when the enemy penetrates at 99% in the Volskaya Foundry


In regards to Hero balance, the Mount Up (Z) has an extra 10 seconds cooldown when a player is interrupted by an enemy while casting it. Rehgar and Kharazim’s healing skills are less effective. With Johanna, the damage of her heroic ability Falling Sword has decreased, her level 1 talent Regeneration Master was deleted, and new talents related to Shield Glare (E) have been added.

The controllable objectives in a couple of battlefields - Dragon Knight, Garden Terror, and Protector have become immune to CC skills, and the early game health of Impaler and Trooper Camps in Volskaya Foundry, Battlefield of Eternity, and Infernal Shrines has been slightly decreased. However, the base damage and scaling values have been increased by roughly 50%. Also, Support Camps can no longer be captured with the “Bribe” talent.

Furthermore, there is a list of other bug fixes such as Genji’s Dragon Blade changing to not benefit from cooldown reduction abilities such as Innervate and Nano-boost, and Auriel’s Energized Cord talent no longer granting excessive Hope with her basic attacks.

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