Ronaldo X Faker 'The Phenom': The recovery from their slump

On July 8th, the 2nd part of Ronaldo X Faker 'The Phenom' was released. The two legendary players of their own respective sport shared their moments of their slumps. 

Ronaldo was once injured while playing. "The possibility of playing in the World Cup itself was in a doubt." Soon, the injury gets to Ronaldo's confidence and it gets him uncertain as a player. Faker also shared a similar moment. In the Spring season of 2014, Samsung Ozone defeats SKT T1 with a score of 3:2. The appearance of new talented rookies was too much for SKT. "I couldn't even think of the possibility of not making it to the 'World Championships'. It felt horrible when it actually happened," said Faker.  

The two players did not give up. Both of them constantly practiced despite the odds. "I badly wanted to recover. I hung on to each day, getting physical therapy. I wanted to recover really badly, that is all I thought about." Ronaldo didn't give up to his injuries, and he devoted all of his days into recovering. Faker also recovered from his slump in a similar fashion. As said by Bengi, "Most teams just rest when they don't make it to Worlds. But we practiced against teams that are participating in the tournament. We practiced to an extreme amount, and it eventually got us off of our slump." Faker also added in, "I only run forward. Only forward."

Both Ronaldo and Faker had their difficult moments. For Ronaldo, his knees constantly broke and were injured. If he was a regular athlete, the constant injuries would've ended his career. But as Ronaldo said, his love for football drove him past the limits. Eventually, Ronaldo won the most prestigious trophy in his sport. Same goes for Faker. The fans doubted his return, the return of SKT. But despite the expectations, SKT made a big comeback, becoming the World Champions in the following year.

The word Phenom stands for a person with an outstanding talent. A person that stands apart from the rest. This definition fits many players that have existed in the past. But among all of them, Ronaldo and Faker stands out the most, as they are the two players that have made themselves a legend in their respective sport.

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