Malthael hits PTR alongside balance changes

▲Malthael has been one of the most highly requested Heroes to enter the Nexus, second only to Warcraft's Kel'Thuzad.


Alongside the newly released Malthael spotlight that explains the heroes basics and how to play him, the Public Test Realm has been updated to feature a host of new balance changes and, of course, Malthael.

Balance changes include Thrall's rework, Malfurion nerfs (removal of Cleanse, Mule, and Bolt of the Storm), new Stitches talents and an overall change in design philosophy regarding Bolt of the Storm and its place in the game.

Heroes developers had this to say about the changes to Bolt of the Storm on a variety of Heroes, Including Kerrigan, Stitches, Raynor, Thrall, and Malfurion:

"...Our goals with these changes are twofold: to consolidate Bolt of the Storm to heroes where we think it makes for awesome gameplay moments, and second to create use cases where it is more optimal to use Bolt of the Storm to make offensive plays..."

The changes are designed to reward players looking to make the big play and remove some of the overwhelming safety that Bolt of the Storm Provides.


In addition to the PTR's balance updates, A cross promotion between Diablo 3 and Heroes of the Storm has been announced beginning June 13 and lasting until June 26th. During the promotion, players will be tasked with playing 15 games of Heroes of the Storm with a friend using Heroes from the Diablo universe. 

The rewards for completing 15 games with a friend are as follows and are pictured above:

Heroes of the Storm Rewards: Leoric’s Phantom, 1x Epic Loot Chest
- Diablo III PC Rewards: Ghost Kerrigan Wings

Overwatch players enjoy this type of cross-promotion often, but Blizzard seldom chooses to bundle Diablo 3 rewards. Perhaps this is the start of more cross promotions aimed at rewarding loyal Blizzard fans that actively play multiple titles. Even if they are among the least popular.

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