Berserker: "You guys can look forward to my Draven [this] week."


Cloud9's Kim "Berserker" Min-cheol is a hot commodity in the LCS right now. Touted as one of — if not the best — bot laners in the league, the Korean rookie has been outstanding for the point leaders, rivaled perhaps only by Team Liquid's Steven "Hans sama" Liv, a player he's vowed to beat (and has).


This time last month, we called Berserker "the most exciting LCS import" and that remains true as the teenager has an LCS playoffs spot already locked five games before the end of the regular split. Inven Global spoke with the bot laner about what funny business he's bringing next, and why he thinks Team Liquid are "boomers".

Do you think Jinx will be as good as she is now after the 12.5b nerfs?


 Jinx is picked for her laning phase. Also, there are lots of other AD champions buffed, which will be weaker against Jinx in the laning phase. But I’m really good at Draven. So you guys can look forward to my Draven next week.


What are your thoughts on AP Kai’Sa, mid or ADC? Is she worth picking?


Depends on the team. Every team has a different opinion. In my opinion, with some specific champions that can go in on the enemy team like Ahri or Hecarim, Kai’Sa is really good.


T1 have been a particularly popular team, with other LCS pros talking about the team even if I don't ask about T1 directly. You were on their academy team for a while as well. Do you think T1 are the best team in the world right now? Are you excited about the idea of facing them internationally?


I’m not watching every league, so I don’t know if they’re the best team. But, obviously, they are one of the best teams in the world. I was on the same team as Oner and Zeus, so I am a little jealous of them right now.


Your teammate, Summit, expressed that champion’s queue seemed to be at a somewhat similar level to Korean solo queue. Do you mirror that opinion, or do you think that there are differences between the two?


It is totally different. Champion’s queue has voice chat, so there are other things you can practice.


There’s a hot debate between which team is better: Cloud9 or Team Liquid. Do you think Cloud9 has the better bot lane?


I think that we are growing up, we’re still children. But they are kind of boomers. [laughs] So, we’ll see.

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