KT Rolster Smeb: From Top Meta To 'Truth' about Deft Revealed!

Here is an interview we had with Smeb, the top laner playing for KT Rolster! He is known for his fun and humorous personality, and recently showed some truly outstanding performance in the 2017 LCK Spring Playoffs - Round 2. We had time to ask him several questions about his last match, as well has a bit about his teammate. Come meet him!

Hello, I'm Kyungho 'Smeb' Song, top laner for KT Rolster.

Q. MVP picked Blitzcrank in today’s match. How did you feel about that?

When we were training, we kind of joked about how our opponent may play Blitzcrank. We don’t know if that’s the reason, but we weren’t really flustered by it.

Q. In the previous match, ADD played Jarvan IV in the top lane. Did you expect ADD to play him again?

Well, I thought there was a possibility, but I didn’t think Jarvan IV would be that overpowering in the lane either way, so I didn’t regard it very seriously.

Q. You’ve been seen playing Camille even after her nerf. How is Camille right now?

She did get nerfed, but it wasn’t that big a thing in this patch.
That why in next patch, she will get nerfed a lot, but for now, I think she’s a great choice.

Q. Some people who play Galio have chosen to go for an AP build, and some people just go for tank. Which is better in your opinion?

I think going tanky is better for aggro and tanking in teamfights, so I’d say to choose tank over AP.

Q. Not long ago, Score said ‘Smeb is the best looking one in KT Rolster, but Deft becomes the best-looking once Smeb puts on a pair of glasses’. Do you agree with that?

I agree with the first one, but I think I’m also number one in the second example too. I don’t really know if Deft is that good-looking. But many fans adore him, although he’s totally different on the inside compared to how he is on the outside. That’s why I’m keeping him in check.

Q. We’ve seen you fool around with Deft a lot on your personal stream.

I like to go around making jokes, and it’s hilarious to make fun of Deft. So I’ve been fooling around with Deft a lot because it’s so fun. I think it’s fun to watch him respond and try to fight back. That’s why I’ve been constantly making fun of him.

Q. Off the record, Deft claims that all his teammates are crazy and he’s the only normal one. What are your thoughts on that?

That friend of mine is different on streams compared to his real self. He seems to say that he’s the most normal one on his streams, but he’s totally different back at the team house. I’d like you to keep that in mind.

Thank you!

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