On day 2 of the 2021 MSI, Cloud9 unfortunately went 0-2 and continued to struggle on the Rumble stage. After their matches against DWG KIA and PSG Talon, they had an early lead in the early-mid game of the two matches, but unfortunately failed to close it out against both of their opponents of the day.
After the match, the top laner for C9, Ibrahim “Fudge” Allami, shared the reason behind their losing streak. “We made small mistakes here and there in every one of our matches, which stacked up and resulted in our losses. From getting solo killed in lane, improperly dealing with the enemy’s side lane pressure, to allowing the enemy to ‘wombo-combo’ during teamfights, they all added up. We’re trying our best to fix these mistakes and make proper adjustments.”
When asked about the dynamics of the coaches and what kind of roles they serve within the team, Fudge commented, “The coaching staff gives us feedback on what works and what doesn’t, and allows us to only focus on the in-game aspects of the things. Max gives me a lot of feedback on the individual mistakes I make, and I'm improving.” When asked about the stress and the pressure that comes from playing at MSI, he shared his positivity in saying, “Each and every game is very important, so it would be a lie to say that there’s no pressure. Although I’m not satisfied with our current results, the fact that I can learn from the best players around the world makes me happy.”
Fudge praised his jungler, Robert “Blaber” Huang’s early game macro, and commented on their shortcomings after the mid game. “It’s not just Blaber’s fault; everyone’s playing poorly. We know that our fans cheering for us aren’t very happy with our performance, but we’ll try our best in securing a victory in our next game.”
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