World of Warcraft Classic has cast a wave of nostalgia over the gaming community since its release on August 26, 2019, and with Burning Crusade expansion on the horizon, the Burning Crusade Classic Closed Beta has been launched. Players selected to participate in the beta test will receive an email invitation directing them to download the beta client directly from the Battle.net desktop app.
Blizzard Entertainment made a post on its official forum about the beginning of the beta period, which included instructions for getting started after receiving an invitation to the Burning Crusade Classic Closed Beta. The step-by-step instructions were posted in the thread as follows:
We’ve recently begun testing WoW Classic: The Burning Crusade in a closed beta environment. This means that some players now have access to the beta, by invitation only.
If you’d like to join us in testing WoW Classic: The Burning Crusade, all you need to do is opt-in to become a tester 507. Players who have opted-in can be selected to be a tester, and invitations will go out regularly throughout the test.
Once you’ve been added:
- Open the Blizzard Battle.net App and select World of Warcraft from your Games list.
- In the selector above the Play button, change your Game Version to In Development: The Burning Crusade.
- Click Install to install the Beta client. This becomes a Play button when ready.
- Click Play to log in to the Beta, and select any of the available Test Servers.
- Create a new test character, or copy over a character from your live WoW Classic account using the Copy Character button.
- Enter the game and test the content!
If you have issues installing and operating the Burning Crusade beta, please first check our Common Technical Issues and Solutions 44 to begin troubleshooting.
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