After yesterday's small teaser announcement via Twitter, Activision Blizzard is bringing the Kanezaka Challenge to Overwatch. The two-week event will give OW players many opportunities to earn limited-time rewards, including an epic skin for Hanzo.
Through January 25, players will be able to earn limited-time rewards including six unique sprays and the Kyogisha Hanzo epic skin for a total of seven new rewards in the Kanezaka Challenge. A new, eponymous free-for-all deathmatch map has also been added to Overwatch as part of the Kanezaka Challenge.
The rewards available for Overwatch players during the Kanezaka challenge can be obtained in one of two ways. First, players can win games in Quick Play, Competitive Play, or Arcade to work towards rewards for the Kanezaka Challenge. Three wins will earn a player the Pagoda Player Icon, six wins will earn a player the Yōkai Spray, and nine wins will net the player a new epic skin in the form of Kyogisha Hanzo.
In addition to the rewards available by securing wins, some rewards are also available as part of the Kanezaka Challenge can also be earned by watching streamers play Overwatch on Twitch. Watching a streamer on Twitch for two hours will earn the player one Kanezaka Challenge spray. Watching for four total hours will earn the player another pair of Kanezaka Challenge sprays, and a total of six hours watched will double the total of Kanezaka Challenge sprays earned by the player for six total.
While the Padoga Player icon and Yōkai Spray are available through both methods of securing rewards throughout the Kanezaka Challenge, completionists will need to do both playing and watching to get every reward the event has to offer in the next two weeks.
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