It's no secret, the League of Legends Pro League has always brought the best AD carries to Worlds, and this year it's no different. Sure, we're graced by World Champion, Yu "JackeyLove" Wen-Bo, on Top Esports, but we're graced just as much by his former teammate and understudy, Tang "huanfeng" Huan-Feng. The Suning AD carry showed up big in his series against JD Gaming, and it made the difference.
huanfeng was a player for Invictus Gaming Young, their LDL (Academy) team before being signed as Suning's starting AD carry at the beginning of this year. He and Suning would only come in 11th in his first full split in the LPL, but they managed to rapidly improve over the Summer, finishing third in the Summer Playoffs and attending Worlds as the LPL third seed. Fast forward a few weeks, huanfeng was a major part of the team securing the first seed in their group stage.
Fast forward one week further, and you'll find huangfeng outplaying the LPL second seed at every turn. Suning won the series 3-1, only dropping the first game, but despite the loss, huanfeng played nearly immaculately getting first blood, first tower, and dealing the most damage in the game. Beyond the first game, he was nigh unstoppable in their three wins.

In the three victories, huanfeng piloted Jhin and pulled a combined 21.5 KDA across them, getting 43 kills and assists and only dying twice. He consistently followed up on his team's engages, catching members out with the Deadly Flourish and his long-range ultimate. In Game 2, he shot down JDG's solo laners from the confines of their very own base as they were scrambling to get away from the rest of Suning and make it back to safety.
In Game 4, huanfeng secured the Ocean Soul with a Dancing Grenade, perhaps securing the victory for his team with that single button push, saving Jhin's fourth auto for some PvP combat to help win the fight beyond just the drake secure. while he received a ton of support from his team, huanfeng provided the damage necessary and was an uncontrollable menace that set Suning well over the edge in today's match.
Suning and huanfeng go on to the semifinals next weekend where they'll face the victor between Top Esports and Fnatic. Watch that series tomorrow, Oct. 17, and watch the final quarterfinal match Sunday, Oct 17 featuring Gen.G vs G2.Esports.
All images via: Riot Games
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