G2 Esports defeats MAD Lions 3-1 in the LEC Playoffs, qualifies to Worlds 2020

Image Source: Michal Konkol for Riot Games


The champions of the League of Legends European Championship Spring Split have asserted their dominance, defeating the MAD Lions in a 3-1 series. 


It has been made clear there is a new rivalry established on the rift. Ever since the 2020 Spring Split, there has arguably been more hype between G2 and MAD, than G2 and FNATIC. The storyline of the all-rookie team breaking out to the top of the standings and taking down EU giants shook things up in the league.



With explosive early games and neck-to-neck fights, G2 has managed to outscale the cubs in the first two games, getting an early-on lead in the series. In the third game, we saw MAD Lions take back their dominance with the star of the game being Shadow on Lillia duty.


The last game ended in abrupt fashion, making it clear that G2 was not waiting around to play with their chances of having the game flip on them. Upon making it to base and taking the last bottom tower, they obliterated the opponent and swiftly destroyed the nexus for a ticket to the 2020 League of Legends Worlds Championship.

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