Dropping only two games in the entirety of the 2020 Spring Split, through both the regular season and the playoffs, Cloud9 have the most dominant season in LCS history, and claim their first title since 2014. They ended their run with a clean 3-0 sweep against FlyQuest, who played five different series this playoffs run.
The only close game was the first, lasting nearly 40 minutes and almost tipping to FlyQuest's favor after an incredible late game teamfight performance until Yasin "Nisqy"Dinçer deleted Jason "WildTurtle" Tran, turning the game back their way. That single kill allowed Cloud9 the time to grab the Ocean Soul and Baron Buff, leading them to close out the game a few minutes later, crushing FlyQuest's hopes for a series lead.

In Game 2, Cloud9 just utterly outperformed FlyQuest. Cloud9 locked in the classic Gragas + Yasuo for Robert "Blaber" Huang and Nisqy and ran all over the map. FlyQuest was determined to match them in their aggression rather than play safe, and it led to an incredibly fast nexus explosion and 2-0 game lead.
Game 3 was similar, with Cloud9 controlling the pace of the game from start to finish. Each team traded turret dives back and forth, but Cloud9 was always able to get more after the dive, racking up objectives and growing their gold lead until a big teamfight win around Dragon propelled them forward into an unstoppable ball of destruction. They almost ended the game in just over 20 minutes, but ran out of minions, falling back to cash in on some items and closed it out in just under 30 minutes.

All five players got their first ever LCS title, from the only title-less team at the start of the season to claiming it for each. They've become the most dominant team in LCS history, and never found a team to match them domestically. They may have lost the off-season yet again, but they've finally reclaimed their spot on top, getting their banner back in the LCS arena.
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