Riot launches a six-month campaign aimed at improving the League of Legends client

Image Source: Riot Games


The League of Legends client has its issues, and Riot Games is more than aware of them. From delayed responses to bugs and crashes: it's not always fun to try and find a game. Today Riot announced that it's starting a six-month campaign to improve the client experience, cleverly calling it the "Client Cleanup Campaign."


The project revolves around two main tasks the League of Legends client has to complete: booting up, and locking in a selected champion. The developers express the desire for the League of Legends client to take no longer than 15 seconds to boot up and become useable. At the moment, however, it can take players up to a minute to get access to all the functions.


When it comes to locking in champions the differences aren't as high, but still noticeable.  The median player sees their click on the "lock in" button result in an actual lock-in in about 300 milliseconds, which Riot already finds too high. As shown in the graph below, the 70th percentile of players sees the lock-in happened after 450 milliseconds, and for 10 percent of the player it takes longer than 800 milliseconds for the League of Legends client to respond.


Image Source: Riot Games


Though Riot Games will obviously take care of bugs in the meantime, the focus of the operation is specifically on speeding up the two aforementioned processes. In the update, the developers explain why they're focussing on fixing these aspects first: "The reason is that, in the process of addressing bootstrap time and champ select lock-in time, we're going to be cleaning up and reworking certain fundamental aspects of the client's architecture. We believe that we'll be able to opportunistically address bugs, memory leaks, and crashes while pursuing these targets."


While the developers realize that they may be aiming high and that it may take some time, they make clear that they want to be transparent about the process. They'll keep updating the community with information every couple of months, sharing the numbers about the cleanup project.

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