It's not just support heroes getting some massive changes in Overwatch 2. Now developers have set their sights on DPS heroes' and how they work in the new meta.
Damage heroes make up the majority of Overwatch's roster, with DPS being the most popular role in the game. But DPS players may have to change up a few things going into Overwatch 2 since developers are changing each DPS heroes' passive abilities.
In Blizzard's most recent blog, developers discussed some changes players can expect in the upcoming beta, taking place in just a few days. One of the most notable changes impacts DPS heroes and how they may be played going forward.
Big changes coming to DPS heroes in Overwatch 2
Overwatch developers introduced a passive in the previous beta that allowed damage heroes to move 10% faster. But this led many players to complain, with some saying that the heroes move too fast in general while others said the buff was "barely noticeable" compared to the passives support heroes get.
In the second beta, Overwatch 2 developers have removed the speed boost passive and changed to an ultimate passive. Now, DPS players will "maintain up to 30% of their ultimate charge" when swapping to other damage heroes mid-match. This means that if someone decides to switch off Tracer for Sombra, Sombra wouldn't go back to having zero percent ultimate charge like she would in Overwatch.
This massive ultimate boost for DPS heroes allows these damage-dealing heroes to pop off much earlier in the game even if the strategy calls for swapping heroes out. DPS players will have a lot more flexibility and freedom without having a big punishment for changing heroes.
Overwatch 2 will bring changes to support heroes

Support heroes were still being discussed as well.
Read the blog: "We’re looking closely at how people are playing across all roles, and we’re still paying particular attention to support performance to address player feedback prior to launch."
Right now, developers are designing and testing new abilities for support heroes, including "significant" Moira changes. Support players have complained since the first footage of Overwatch 2 dropped that support heroes didn't effectively fit into the new aggressive 5v5 meta and were left too vulnerable. Since then, developers have been looking into ways to improve support heroes before the launch in October.
The next Overwatch 2 beta is coming on June 28, available for players on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.
Esports writer and editor with a passion for creating unique content for the gaming community.
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