On Feb. 22, in the 2024 LCK Spring Split, Gen.G defeated DRX 2-0 with no problem. In the games, mid laner Jeong “Chovy” Ji-hoon and jungler Kim “Canyon” Geon-bu showed great performances and were voted as Players of the Games. After the match, the two joined Yoon Soo-bin for an interview.
(To Chovy) You’ve become tied in 1st place with Faker in POG points. How do you feel?
Chovy: We’re tied in 1st place again. It’s interesting since we’re both mid laners.
(To Canyon) How do you feel about today’s win?
Canyon: Today was our last match in the first round. I’m happy that we won.
In game 1, the opponent didn’t ban Senna and picked Ziggs and Pyke. It seemed unpredictable.
Chovy: The Ziggs and Pyke composition tends to roam a lot. I thought we could deal with it well. Besides that, I thought they would get weaker as time went on regarding taking down objectives or pushing sidelanes, so we didn’t have any issues with the picks.
Today was the day for Azir. In the first match, ShowMaker claimed two POGs with Azir. Did you see his Grasp of the Undying Azir?
Chovy: I saw it while waiting for our game. I saw it a few times in solo queue, and I thought I might use it against melee champions, but I didn’t need to use it today. I think I should look into it a bit more.
Azir is 4-0 in the 14.3 patch, which is completely different from before. What do you think about Azir in the current meta?
Chovy: Azir itself isn’t that different. However, as the players practice the champion more, their skill levels reach the limits and beyond. That’s probably why the win rate has gone up.
(To Canyon) In game 2, the opponent jungler was completely destroyed. Did you play to play that way when they picked Vi?
Canyon: Vi is quite weak in the early game, and Kiin checked it well at Lv. 1, so I was able to benefit a lot from it.
It seems that you’re very skilled at exhausting the opponent jungler. Did you think you’d do that well before the game started?
Canyon: I didn’t think it would go that much. Thankfully, my teammates made the situation easy to snowball, so I worked from there.
Game 2 was very one-sided. Everyone had a great performance. Who did you think would get voted as POG?
Canyon: I made a couple of mistakes, so I thought it would be Chovy or Lehends.
Chovy: Since Canyon did so well, I was sure that Canyon was POG.
How are your expectations heading into Round 2?
Chovy: Round 1 is over, and we’re going into Round 2. Whether it’s Round 1 or 2, what’s important is to play well and win. I’ll work hard, prepare well, and win.
Canyon: It’s regretful that we have one loss in the first round, but we’ll do better and try to go undefeated in Round 2.

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