The LCK Awards was held on Dec. 13 to celebrate great achievements in the LCK. Inven Global had a shor interview with DWG KIA athletic director Kim "kkOma" Jeong-gyun.
How does it feel to be at the LCK Awards?
I am honored to be invited to the LCK Awards. I am enjoying it thanks to the great food and setup.
You came here with a nice suit on.
I came with the same clothing I wear when I visit the venue. I am glad that I got some great make-ups.
Did you expect that you would receive the Best Coach award?
I wasn’t sure if I was going to receive the award. I appreciate it a lot.
Any remarks on receiving the award?
I believe that I got the award because our organization and players did well. I am thankful for our team.
How did you feel finishing as the runner-up in Worlds?
I am thankful for the players who put their best efforts until the end of the year. It is unfortunate that we did not win the finals. If we get another chance for it, we will make sure to win.
During the press conference after the finals, Khan made a positive atmosphere saying that 2nd place is great and it isn’t something to be ashamed of. Was this planned before the press conference?
Khan said that he would like to be happy after finishing his last game as a pro player. We made a positive atmosphere to respect his wish.
Your position has changed to Athletic Director — what is your role in the team?
It hasn’t been a while since I started working as an athletic director and I am still getting the hang of my new role. I will be supporting all LCK, Challengers, and Rookies teams.
What is the directionality of your support for the team?
Each of the LCK, Challengers, and Rookies teams have their own head coach. I have a long career as a coach — if there are any troubles, issues, or problems the coaches have, I will help them based on my experience.
DWG KIA Challengers team won the KeSPA Cup 2021. What is your impression as the athletic director?
I rooted for our Challengers a lot. I am glad that we won the KeSPA Cup. Given that they are pro players, I hope they are not satisfied with it and improve more going forward.
Is there any chance that well-performing Challengers players might be called up?
I can’t say much about it at the moment because I have to talk to the head coaches and see how the situation goes.
How did you spend your break after Worlds?
I spent most of my free time with my family. My daughter turned 1 during Worlds, so I wasn’t able to celebreate her birthday. Family has been my priority during the break.
What is your goal for the Spring split?
I hope that DWG KIA improves as a team. We will try our best to play games that our fans can enjoy and be satisfied with.
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