Free of ANXiety: H2K secures last ticket to New York

Series Overview

H2K kept EU's dreams alive by defeating ANX in the last quarterfinal match of the 2016 League of Legends World Championship. Despite their impressive showings in the group stages, ANX was for the most part outmatched in terms of strategy and coordination. H2K dominated the series both in drafts and in lane, silencing the lingering doubts from their underwhelming first week. Odoamne and Jankos in particular were able to create and snowball an early lead in all three games.



Odoamne. Although the first pick Jayce raised some eyebrows initially, especially when power picks such as Caitlyn and Olaf were open, H2K's confidence in Odoamne was soon justified. Odoamne consistenly shut down and outperformed his counterpart both in lane and in teamfights.


Play of the Game





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