CuVee on his play, botched haircut, and Chicago pizza

By taking down Cloud9 in dominant fashion, Samsung Galaxy have become the first team to reach the semifinals of the 2016 League of Legends World Championship. Shortly after his victory, SSG toplaner CuVee paid a visit to the press room to share his thoughts with Inven.

A clean 3-0 sweep. How do you feel?

Our original goal was to reach the quarterfinals and I am happy we made that come true. Now we really want to go all the way to the finals.

Your performance against C9's Eonyeong "Impact" Jeong was brilliant. How did you prepare?

We had prepared a bunch of counterpicks against what we figured to be C9's champion pool; we had an answer ready for anything they would pick. And In-game, I kept feeding toplane information to my teammates, such as "I can win one-on-one from midgame onwards, so just help me out a bit in the early game". All went according to plan, well within our comfort zone.

Looks like you got a haircut. Did Ambition summon Skarner and use his chainsaw?

My hair grew too much since I arrived in America, so I went for a slight trim... which is not what happened. There definitely was a misunderstanding - I wanted the barber to cut a slight bit of hair, not leave a slight bit of hair. My poor English probably was the cause. I felt awkward at first but now I'm okay with my new style.

Which team would you prefer to meet in the semifinals? ANX or H2K?

I would prefer ANX, but I think it'll be H2K. We did not have much time to study H2K until now, so we are looking forward to watching the H2K vs ANX match.

You impressed the most on Ekko today. Do you have any Ekko tips for our readers?

Experience is key. You have to play Ekko a lot in order to be good with him. There are certain windows and matchups in which you can play aggressive, in which it is important to recognize and capitalize on such opportunities; vice versa applies.

Do you have any other champs you are planning to pick in the following games?

I am practicing many different champions. So far, my picks were based on champions that I was already comfortable with. I believe I will be able to pull out other champions in our next match.

Any last words?

I was surprised to see Samsung fans in the crowd - your support was very touching. I also know there are fans in Korea cheering for us! We will try our best to repay your support with victory.

How did you like Chicago's deep dish pizza?

I didn't.


Source Article by Inven Sawual

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    level 1 Emilia_Gray

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