The following is a press release provided to InvenGlobal and has been published verbatim.

Misfits Gaming, which owns Miami-based Overwatch League team the Florida Mayhem, will work with Gift of Life to educate the public and recruit new marrow and stem cell donors at tournaments and gaming events. Gift of Life registers volunteer bone marrow and stem cell donors to help cure leukemia, lymphoma, sickle cell, and nearly 100 other diseases through transplantation.
The partnership will kick off with a first-of-its-kind appearance at the Florida Mayhem Team Day, held at the Blizzard Arena on August 8. Players, coaches and fans will show their support for Gift of Life by learning more about the mission to save lives and joining the marrow registry.
Through the partnership, they will help recruit new registry members during live events, and through streaming platforms and social media. Through the likes of Twitch and Caffeine, viewers will be urged to order a cheek swab kit and potentially save someone’s life.
“Gift of Life is a fantastic organization that has saved and improved the quality of lives for almost 30 years, and all of us in Misfits Gaming and the Florida Mayhem are proud to be partnering with them,” said Florida Mayhem President John Kracum. “What I love most about this campaign is that not only does it let us and our community rally around a worthy cause, but it empowers our fans by letting them help others and save lives.”
The Florida Mayhem will also join in swab drives that Gift of Life Campus Ambassadors lead at colleges and universities across Florida. Since 2014, 540 Campus Ambassadors have volunteered more than 20,200 hours to add 42,350 people to the registry, producing 85 life-saving matches. This coming school year, 230 Campus Ambassadors at 103 colleges and universities across the country will host drives and events.
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