On August 3rd (KST), Gen.G Esports added another victory to their record by defeating Jin Air Green Wings 2-1. With the win, Gen.G collected their 10th win and rose to 2nd place in the standings. On the other hand, Jin Air again failed to get their first win of the season. After the match, the two players that delivered the best performances were Song “Fly” Yong-jun and Park “Ruler” Jae-hyuk.

How do you feel about today’s win?
Fly: We lost Game 1. Since our set difference isn’t very good, it’s a bit regretful, but I’m still happy that we won.
How was the feedback after Game 1?
Ruler: The feedback was mainly about not running it down… Mostly we were told to come to senses.
(To Fly) You didn’t disappoint your fans and picked Veigar today, but the opponent picked Tristana. Did you predict that?
Fly: Not at all. I thought that I would be able to win the game if I don’t die at Lv.2 or 3.
You rather picked up a kill against her in the early game.
Fly: Since it’s been such a long time since Peanut last ganked mid, I think they were careless. (Laughs)
In Game 3, Ruler’s Varus was amazing. Your all-time record on Varus is 27-18, but it was your first Varus game this summer. What was the reason?
Ruler: Actually, even the coaching staff didn’t know why it was the first time we picked Varus this summer. It was about time that I played him, so we picked him.
You picked Ekko as if you were just waiting to play him against Azir. Was it prepared as a specific counter to Azir?
Fly: Yes. I had been practicing Ekko to play against Azir.
And talking about unusual picks, Garen was picked in the LEC earlier today. What are your thoughts on Garen?
Fly: If I were a top laner, I think I may have played him at least once… (How about in mid lane?) Since he’s such a dumb champion…

(Image source: LCK Korea Twitch Channel)
There was a fan that brought a cheering banner for Ruler filled with your nicknames. Is there a nickname that catches your eye?
Ruler: That’s so thoughtful. I would have to say Quadra-kill master. There are so many impolite people when we play. (Laughs)
How are your resolutions for the remaining matches?
Fly: My performance has been inconsistent so I felt uneasy, but if we prepare well and do our best, we would be able to get good results.
Ruler: Although our performance in Game 1 may have made fans worry, but if we prepare well in the remaining period, we’ll be able to do well.

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