On the 6th of June (KST), in the 2019 LCK Summer Split, Griffin faced off Afreeca Freecs. The two teams fought fiercely to the end. Griffin won Game 1, and Afreeca won Game 2 in 45 minutes. In Game 3, fights broke out all over the Rift from the start. Although the kill score was close, the game tilted little by little towards Griffin’s direction. As a result, Griffin took the game.
In today’s match, Park “Viper” Do-hyeon and Choi “Sword” Seong-won delivered outstanding performances and were interviewed after the match.

You won the first match of the season. It was rather long. How was it?
Viper: In the recent meta, the game doesn’t go as long so we don’t even see Elder. Today, we saw the second Elder in Game 2, and we lost. I never thought that I would play such a game.
Many people focused on the Sword-Kiin matchup, and many people are saying that Sword was in better shape in today’s match.
Sword: I think the design of my glasses granted me the advantage. I’d like to thank my parents for recommending the design. (Laughs)
Last season would have been regretful for Griffin. What’s the goal for this summer?
Viper: My goal always is to get to the finals and beat the team that reached the finals. Other than that, I really want to get to Worlds this year.
(To Sword) Are you confident to do so this year?
Sword: Yes, I’m confident.
Many people said that Afreeca would be stronger coming into this season. How was it playing against them?
Viper: As our head coach also predicted, I thought Afreeca would be strong. We prepared pretty well but it was really hard in Game 2. I think we should prepare even better.
Griffin aims for playing without making calls. Were there any unique ways of practice coming into this season?
Viper: I don’t think there’s anything changed. When we were defending the Nexus in Game 2, no one really spoke.
You went on defending the Nexus for so long with Sivir.
Viper: I’m guessing Sivir is a champion that was designed to do that.
How was the feedback after Game 2?
Sword: I thought I would be scolded because I died a lot, but his thoughts were that we should change our picks.
In Game 3, you didn’t ban Irelia.
Sword: Top Irelia win rate is close to 0%. So we weren’t worried about top Irelia, and if she went to mid lane, we trusted Chovy to deal well with it.
Jayce was nerfed, but Sword brought it out today. What are your thoughts on Jayce?
Sword: He was nerfed… He’s still strong in lane, but I could feel that he was nerfed. I tried to compensate with the item build.
Game 3’s picks were almost identical to Game 1, but Viper changed to Ezreal from Kai’Sa. Why?
Viper: Kai’Sa is a good pick, but I didn’t think she would be good to pick first, so we changed it.
Yasuo was picked, which would have been hard to predict.
Viper: I predicted that he could pick Yasuo. I also enjoy playing Yasuo against Ezreal, so I also thought if the opponent picks Ezreal, I should play Yasuo.
Lastly, a word to the fans and your summer split resolutions?
Viper: I think we’ll be able to show the fans more interesting matches. I’ll do my best to repay the fans for their support.
Sword: I agree with Viper. I really want to reach the finals again.
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