SKT Khan: "It may be unfortunate that Faker missed MVP, but I deserved it today and I hope he gets it next time."

On the 13th (KST), SK Telecom T1 defeated Kingzone DragonX 2-1. Many new sights were in today’s match such as 5 Spellthief’s Edges in one game or Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok and Kim “Rascal” Kwang-hee playing Sylas in mid lane and top lane, respectively. Although Kingzone DragonX was able to take Game 1, they failed to endure the damage coming from Park “Teddy” Jin-sung’s Ezreal and Kim “Khan” Dong-ha’s Fiora.

The following is the interview with SKT Teddy and Khan.


Congratulations on the win today. How do you feel?

Teddy: I had a good break and I’m happy that we won today. We’ll make sure we do even better in the future.

It’s the first match you played against your former team, Kingzone DragonX.

: I pulled some practical jokes on them when we were waiting for the match. We just bantered with some swear words.

Unfortunately, we can’t broadcast the swear words here. (Laughs) The Spellthief meta was a big issue today. Were you frustrated in Game 1?

: Their game was very interesting. At first, I thought ‘what the hell is this?’ when I saw all the Spellthief's Edges. I think it’s quite good since they can use so many wards.

You were awarded MVP with Ezreal, but you didn’t use Frostmancy.

: I’ve tried Frostmancy a few times in solo queue, but I didn’t play it since I haven’t tried it in scrims. It’s pretty fun and it’s good having all those wards; I think it’s worth trying.

People say that there’s no champion that can stop Ezreal that scaled well. What do you think?

: In case of Ezreal-Tahm Kench that is fed, there’s no answer to it, but if there’s no Tahm Kench, it’s stoppable.


Can you explain a bit about the Fiora pick?

: Kingzone had picked Sylas and Viktor which could be flexed at top and mid. It did seem that it would be hard against Viktor, but we picked Fiora since we agreed to go up against them confidently.

How’s your synergy with Faker? It was a close call between Faker’s Zoe and your Fiora for MVP in Game 2. How did you feel?

: I always warm up and try to build up our synergy to its fullest by playing 1v1 with Faker before the match. It may be unfortunate that Faker missed MVP, but I deserved it today and I hope he gets it next time.

Can you explain a bit on the Nexus rush you did alone near the end of the game?

Khan: I thought it was impossible for Sylas to stop me alone so I attempted it. I thought I would be able to destroy the Nexus, but the opponents all recalled back to the well and jumped on me. If there were fewer enemies, I would have been able to end the game, but there were too many people.


Today is the 6th year anniversary for Mata. A word of congratulations to him?

: Back when I was in middle school, I saw him perform in pro stages; now he’s pretty old. I want to have him win the championship before he goes to the army.

Khan: Mata is an old man and I’m the oldest among the top laners. Since we’re all getting old together, I wish we can always stay healthy despite our age.

Any last comments?

: It’s regretful that we have two losses already. I’ll do my best to win all the remaining matches.

Khan: It’s the same with me; the two losses are very regretful. I’d like to thank all of my teammates. Even the players that don’t perform on stage all practice together and help each other. Thank you.

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