Off to a great start in the NA LCS spring split, Cloud9 has secured 2nd place in the standings.
Creating a new roster with the top and jungle, Cloud9, as claimed by Jack (owner of C9), had fans that doubted the roster changes. However through the past 5 weeks, Cloud9 has proven yet again why they are such a long lasting and veteran team in the NA region. Out of all the players in Cloud9, Jensen has blown everyone out of the water with his consistent and solid performance.
Jensen has been apart of C9 for quite awhile now with a lot he wants to say. After the game against TSM, Inven Global got to interview C9’s mid laner, Jensen. Let’s see what Jensen has to say about memes, Cloud9’s future, and Rush.

¤ Before the game against TSM, people on reddit were commenting ‘Brain on or off?’. Did Reapered say anything about brain on or off before the game?
Yeah, he usually almost always says that. I think it is becoming a trend. This is because whenever we play scrims, we play with our brains off (laughs). This is why Reapered always asks if our brain is on or off (laughs).
¤ What we don’t understand is that, Cloud9 is placed 2nd in the NA LCS even though you guys sometimes play with your brains ‘off’. What is the difference between brain off and on?
When we have our brains ‘off’, we usually just make mistakes that don’t make any sense. I think that is mainly just it. We just make a lot of really stupid decisions, and we are trying our best to avoid this. This all started after we first lost to Echo Fox. This is because, we made a lot of unusual plays that we normally don’t do.
¤ When we interviewed with Impact 2 weeks ago, he told us about how you and Sneaky excel in teamfight shotcalling. In general within teamfights, who does the shotcalling?
In general, I think everyone talks a lot. When it comes down to teamfighting, I do my best to make sure me and Sneaky are always on the same page. For example if we are playing against an aoe comp like Orianna, I make sure me and Sneaky are spread out from each other. The reasoning behind this is that we had trouble in the past when me and Sneaky would get caught together. Overall, everyone communicates with each other. We don’t necessarily have assigned roles. When someone talks, everyone else is silent.

¤ Personally, are you confident in your ability to teamfight?
Yeah, teamfighting is one of our biggest strengths. Personally, I understand what every champion wants to do. Because of this, I know exactly how to position myself accordingly. As long as we are all on the same page, teamfighting is very comfortable for me. Up to now, Sneaky and I have played with each other so long that we understand each other fully. We both know exactly what to do. But yeah, I would say teamfighting is one of Cloud9’s biggest strengths.
¤ This meme going on about brain on and off. From a player’s standpoint, does this meme affect you negatively in anyway? Or is it purely just fun?
I just think it is really funny. Since we are all so close as a team, us as a team know it is all friendly banter. At the same time, there is some merit to the meme since we do make a lot of stupid mistakes. I think it is just a fun way of saying ‘Guys let’s play f****** serious now’.
¤ We know that you and Sneaky are close friends with Rush. Since Rush is in kt now, do you guys still keep in touch?
Actually there was a long time when I didn’t talk to him. However since he joined kt, I reached out to him to say congratulations. I talked to him about League as well. I tried to understand the meta from a Korean standpoint. Rush was nice enough to tell me how the Koreans do things and what is strong in Korea. Sometimes when I am a little bit confused about the meta, I would try to reach out to players I know from different regions. I also played a bit with Rush when he was in Korea. I always try to catch up to him once in awhile.

¤ What would you say is the best thing and the worst thing about playing with Rush?
The best thing is that one day he would play like the best player in the world. Rush would be amazing. Other days, Rush would play with his brain off completely (laughs).
¤ When you found out Rush joined kt, were you a bit sad that you couldn’t play with him more?
No, not really. I was just happy for him. I think when Rush was in America, he struggled a bit overall. I don’t think he was super happy here. It is not like I don’t want him to come back or anything. I just want what is best for him. I think what is best for him is to play in Korea.
¤ Lastly, anything you want to say to your fans since the first cycle of the split has ended?
A lot of the times, Cloud9 has had a good start in the LCS. However, we never ended up winning. I think with this roster, we have a lot of potential to go really far. I feel like with this roster, we could really have a shot at winning the split. I also know that we have a good chance of doing well internationally.

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