On the 9th of December (PST), the semifinals of the LoL All-Star Event 2017 was held. The match was a battle of pride between the LCK All-Stars and the LPL All-Stars. The LPL All-Stars defeated the LCK All-Stars by 2:1 and reached the finals. Although LCK lost, top laner Lee “CuVee” Sung-jin showed almost immortal life playing Maokai in the second set and led the team to victory. After the semifinals, we had an interview with CuVee.

The following are the responses of LCK All-Star top laner, CuVee.
Q. How do you feel, being here as an All-Star?
This is my first time in LCS Arena. All in all, it was a good experience and I had fun.
Q. At the end of the second set, you lost in the team fight, but the top minions destroyed the enemy nexus. Was that something you’ve intended?
It wasn’t intended. We all said that we lost after losing the team fight. That moment, one of the bot duos said that the enemy nexus was about to be destroyed. We then realized that we won, and shouted together, “We won!”
Q. You would have some regrets to be eliminated early. Did you have anything you wanted to show, but wasn’t able to?
I think I showed all the champions I wanted to show. However, I wanted to show off some better plays, but I’m regretful that I wasn’t able to.
Q. This is your second time in LA. How is it here?
USA is an attractive country. The large land, unbelievable view, and the air is fresh. More than anything, everybody is open minded and active. I went to Disneyland but I didn’t stay for long because walking around was tiring.
Q. After losing, what did you talk about with your teammates?
We all gave feedbacks about the matches to each other.
Q. Some fans are worried about you, being eliminated earlier than expected. Do you have anything to say to the fans?
Although we lost, I think I enjoyed the event. I hope the fans aren’t too worried.
Q. How adapted are you to the new meta?
The balance still isn’t stable yet, and more patches are coming up. I can’t say that I am fully adapted to the new meta. If I go back to Korea and practice more, I would be fully prepared.
Q. Now there’s only the finals with LMS vs LPL left. What are each team’s advantages? And who do you think will win?
The LPL All-Stars are very aggressive, and they’re good at team fights. The LMS All-Stars are good at macro. If the match goes and has many team fights, I think LPL will win.
Q. The jungler and mid laner of the opponents were strong. How was it facing them?
I didn’t play against them directly, but Chan-yong (Ambition) seemed to have a hard time because Karsa and mlxg were very aggressive. I thought that they were good, watching them. Mid laner Xiye was also good, since he was facing Faker.
Q. People say that the connection starting from Shen’s ultimate wasn’t very good. Was it because you didn’t have time to make up the best teamwork?
The ultimate of Shen wasn’t good, I know. Our teamwork wasn’t very good, and the game flow wasn’t on our side, so we didn’t have many chances to use our ultimates. I feel sorry about those parts. We actually didn’t have much time to make up our teamwork. We only had two scrims.
Q. Which top lane champion do you think is in 1 tier in the current meta?
I think Orn would be the best in the current meta. Beneath Orn, there would be Jayce, Gnar, and Maokai. Under that would be Shen and Jarvan.
Q. Riot allowed players to bring their girlfriends. Did you bring anyone with you?
They said that I can bring a friend, so I thought of bringing a friend. But if I bring a friend, I had to take the economy flight and if I go alone, I get the business. So I selected business flight over my friend (laughs).
Q. What food did enjoy the most here?
Meat was good. Especially steaks.
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