Cloud 9 Surefour has ascended to new levels of Widowmaker domination


"It's just too much.

"this is torture at this point"

"He just never misses"

"I've never seen a Widow kill more in my entire life. I know he is a good player, but Jesus

"I've never been carried so hard..."

Those are some quotes from a 5-minute Widowmaker rampage caught on Surefour's stream and highlighted in the video below. In the clip, Surefour uses his incredible aim and game sense to make life an absolute nightmare for the enemy team. Meanwhile, his team watches in disbelief at the accuracy they are seeing.

We have featured Surefour moments before, but those seem tame compared to this slaughter:

During the stream, Lane "Surefour" Roberts had been experimenting with his Widowmaker mouse settings while explaining to his audience proper positioning and techniques. This match represents the moment when he found his optimal settings.

No doubt many of you are inspired after watching the video. Good, it's your lucky day. Surefour has just published a video explaining the basic principals or aiming techniques. If you ever wanted to seriously up your Widowmaker game, Surefour is the teacher you have been looking for.

You can watch more Widowmaker matches from his stream past broadcasts. For example, this match on Hollywood has Surefour on Widowmaker against a rival Widowmaker pro, Mendo.

You can follow Surefour on twitter @C9Surefour and be sure to check out his next stream at

RELATED: 6 Widowmaker clips that will inspire the sniper in you.

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