New Escort map: Junkertown revealed at Gamescom

▲ Junkrat and Roadhog, after being kicked out of Junkertown, hatch an "amazing" scheme to get back in.

Alongside other big announcements for their various franchises, Blizzard released two videos that introduce Junkertown, the brand new escort map in overwatch.

The first video is, quite possibly, one of the most amusing depictions of Junkrat's insane personality and his relationship with Roadhog, his eternal straight man. Junkertown: The Plan details the reason for the duo's initial crime spree, as they were trying to buy back their way into the junker paradise, Junkertown.

What followed was the in-game reality of what players can expect with Junkertown. Narrated by the "Queen of Junkertown", players are told that "the end of the world has come and gone" and it is time that they "woke up." For those following the lore of Overwatch, the war between omnics and humans is a point of major contention and conflict. Where we have seen maps like Numbani that represent peace between both sides, Junkertown exist in the Australian outback, Omnics have lost the war entirely.

The result is a Madmax style dystopian future where human kind, in all of its frivolity, greed, and ruthlessness, have done whatever it took to survive. The world is much simpler in Junkertown; Money, power, and guns are the only things that matter.

You can watch Blizzards entire live-stream preview here. It was also announced that another lore-filled trailer will be revealed at Gamescom, but only those in attendance get the first peek. Us back home will have to wait until it is uploaded online.

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