Three types of ‘stamina’
Base: Usage priority - 2nd / 30 consumed per fight / applied individually by fighter / 75 recharged per 6 hours
Special: Usage priority - 1st / 30 consumed per fight / applied individually by fighter / 60 recharged per 6 hours
Shared: Usage priority - 3rd / 30 consumed per fight / shared among all fighters / recharges every Wednesday
When you pick a fighter for a fight, the fighter’s stamina is consumed. There are three types of stamina: base, special, and shared. The base and special stamina are applied to individual fighters, and shared stamina is shared among all fighters, as its name suggests.
The maximum value of the stamina is fixed, and it recharges naturally after a certain amount of time. One of the biggest reasons that you should fight using several different fighters is because of stamina.
Stamina consumption: Special → Base → Shared
When you fight by picking a fighter, 30 stamina is consumed per fight. Any type of stamina is consumed by 30. The special stamina has the first consumption priority, and after it runs out, the base stamina is consumed. After you’ve used up all of your special and base stamina, the shared stamina is used. What you have to beware of is that since shared stamina is shared among all fighters, if you use three fighters that don’t have any special or base stamina, 90 shared stamina is consumed.
The shared stamina is only activated when you have the ‘season pass’ through an in-app purchase. If you don’t have the season pass, you can only use the special and base stamina and cannot use shared stamina. When you purchase the season pass, the max AP, which is needed for fights, increases by 50, and the mastery point gain increases by 30% when you use base/special stamina. The price of the season pass varies by country, but it can be purchased for around $9.

Stamina recovery: Recharges every 6 hours
The base and special stamina recover every six hours based on midnight (6AM, 12PM, 6PM, UTC-8). You recover 75 base stamina each time, but if your stamina is full with 300, you recover 60 special stamina. The shared stamina (900) is fully recharged every Wednesday 10 AM (UTC+8).
When you manage your stamina recovery, you should be careful to not waste the amount of the recharged stamina. For example, if the base stamina is 270/300, 75 is recharged, but since the maximum is 300, only 30 is recharged and 45 stamina disappears. Also, this doesn’t mean that your special stamina recovers after the base stamina is fully recharged — the special stamina only recovers by 60 when the base stamina is full with 300.

Recommended effective stamina management
The stamina system suggests players ‘to play many different fighters’. As a matter of fact, the most efficient way of managing your stamina is to play many fighters and use up just the special stamina. This is to gain more mastery points. In the long term, strengthening a fighter’s mastery becomes a variable in fights, so it is important to consistently gain mastery points. To do so, you have to use many different fighters and prepare several fighters to counter opponents’ fighters through practice and experience.
However, you have to gain the fighter’s cartridge through the in-app purchase, ‘summon’, and open the specific fighter’s mastery board to earn the fighter mastery as a reward for a fight. Therefore, with fighters that you haven’t yet opened the mastery board, you should use up the base stamina. With the fighters that you have opened the mastery board so that you can earn fighter mastery, mainly use the special stamina.

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