It has been a very busy time for fans of Pokémon GO. There have been fierce competitions, fun promotions, and a host of other neat activities that keep the game exciting and engaging. Another event is on the way: another Psychic Spectacular! The week-long commemoration of Psychic-type Pokémon has returned, with many interesting developments set to occur throughout the excitement. Running from Tuesday, September 6 to Monday, September 12 — Inven Global presents our cheat sheet to be ready for the festivities.

Psycho Spectacular Eggs
During the event, Trainers can hatch the following eggs :
- Chingling
- Smoochum*
- Wynaut*

Psycho Spectacular Field Research
During the Psychic Spectacular event, players can spin PokéStops and gyms to collect event exclusive Field Research tasks to earn encounters with the following Pokémon:
- Baltoy*
- Chimecho*
- Elgyem*
- Hypno

Psycho Spectacular Special Events
- Saturday: The Clefairy Commotion will be taking place from 6pm to 9pm local time, where there will be increased Clefairy spawns and Shiny percentages.
- Sunday: The Deoxys Raid Day will occur from 2pm to 5pm.

Psycho Spectacular Raids
Trains will have the following raids available to them:
- Alolan Raichu* (three star)
- Deoxys (Attack) (five star)
- Deoxys (Defense) (five star)
- Deoxys (Normal) (five star)
- Deoxys (Speed) (five star)
- Espurr* (one star)
- Girafarig* (three star)
- Mega Alakazam* (Mega)
- Oranguru (three star)
- Unown (E) (one star)
- Unown (P) (one star)
- Unown (S) (one star)
- Wobbuffet* (three star)

Psycho Spectacular Wild Pokémon
During the event, Trainers will encounter the following wild Pokémon more often:
- Abra*
- Drowzee*
- Elgyem*
- Gothita
- Kadabra
- Kirlia
- Munna*
- Natu*
- Ralts*
- Slowpoke*
- Solosis
- Spoink*
- Woobat*
I write. I rap. I run. That’s pretty much it.
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