"Can anyone explain why EU are this bad? Was it Brexit?"

Game 1: ahq vs INTZ

CT: "This game really showed why Ziv is rated so highly among experts and analysts."

Game 2: EDG vs H2K

"I suggest we take a moment to pay respects before the H2K game"

Game 3: ANX vs G2

"EU fans right now"

Game 4: CLG vs ROX

??????? ????: "I thought I gave you the easiest group possible."

Game 5: SKT vs FW

????? ??????: "LCK should be given 10 seeds. We would like to win Worlds."
?????: "You have grown weaker, Faker. I am disappointed in your ability to 1v2."

Game 6: C9 vs I May

"G O D P A C T"
???: "There is such a thing as a free lunch :)"


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