Patch 12.5b targets pro meta by nerfing Jinx, Aphelios, and Zeri

Source: Riot Games


The details of League of Legends patch 12.5b have been revealed. In a new blog post, the developers announced that bot lane champions such as Zeri, Aphelios, and Jinx—all of whom dominated the League of Legends esports meta—will be toned down.


Aphelios is being made squishier. The moon-powered AD carry's base armor is reduced from 28 to 26. Furthermore, his base health is reduced by 20, dropping from 530 to 510. Especially early in the game, before Aphelios has acquired any items that can help him sustain himself, these changes will be felt.


Jinx also has her early game targeted, albeit in a different way. Her Fishbones, the rocket launcher, is being reduced in its effectiveness. First of all, its mana cost is being increased. Whereas Fishbones previously cost 16/17/18/19/20 mana to use (depending on level), the rockets now cost a flat 20 mana to use across all levels. This reduces how often Jinx can use the weapon early on to clear waves and deal its explosive damage to the lane opponents. Secondly, the range of Fishbones is reduced from 100/125/150/175/200 to 80/110/140/170/200. This means that Jinx will have to put herself in a more dangerous position early on to contest with enemies.


Of the bot lane trio, though, none are receiving more changes than Zeri. The latest bot laner to join the game has been a hypermobile menace and is being targeted on quite literally all aspects  of her kit:


  • Base AD 58 53
  • Health Growth 85 (1945 at level 18) 90 (2030 at level 18)
  • Base Armor 23 (+3.5 per level), 82.5 at level 18 22 (+3 per level), 73 at level 18
  • Basic Attack - Charged Magic Damage Ratio Based on Target's Max Health 3-15% (levels 1-18) 1-10% (+0.5% levels 1-7, +1% levels 8-13)
  • Q - Total Physical Damage 9/13/17/21/25 (+110% AD) 10/15/20/25/30 (+ 110% AD)
  • E - Cooldown 23/22/21/20/19 seconds 23 seconds at all ranks
  • E - Pierce Damage 80/85/90/95/100% 60/70/80/90/100%
  • R - Stacks per Champion Hit by Initial Lightning Crash 3 4
  • R - Bonus Move Speed per Stack 2% 1.5%


Source: Riot Games


These were far from the only changes in patch 12.5b, though. Other bot laners such as Ashe, Draven, Lucian, and Varus have received buffs of varying degrees. In the mid lane, Ryze is being hit with the nerf hammer. The only item to be changed in the mid-patch adjustments is Locket of the Iron Solari, whose shielding is being reduced across all levels.


The changes are bound to shake up the competitive meta. A common trade-off in the draft phase during the Spring Split was that one team would receive Jinx, while the other would get to play Aphelios. If Zeri was open, she would almost guaranteed be locked in instantly.


Though it isn't certain for all regions when they'll be swapping to patch 12.5b, Riot Games did confirm to Inven Global that the LEC Spring Split playoffs, which kick off on March 25, will be played on patch 12.5b.

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